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All Content by KEVIN88GT

  1. finished my last final in nursing school..

    thanks guys...I also proposed to my g/f at the restaurant..then had a horse and carriage waiting outside....I planned it all WHILE studying for the final....we had a great time tonight.... :)
  2. First day in ER...

    today was my first day in the ER (as a studen, I'm graduating in June by the way) I came in at 8am and by 8:20 I was bagging a patient who was just intubated (came in with APE)... it was pretty crazy how fast drugs are drawn up and pushed...then ther...
  3. First day in ER...

    today was the 2nd day in the ER. This time in the "URGENT CARE" (versus acute) area. Got to see a whole bunch of patients. The nurse let me bring them in and asses them. One of the pt's was suicidal...I had to talk to him and assess him and then let ...
  4. have you had multiple answer questions, if so how many out of the total number you had to answer? my school has been KILLING us with these for 2 years now....saying how they'll be on the this true or what? I believe my school as far as I c...
  5. Which NCLEX review book to get...

    anyone else? Looking for more input.
  6. tried looking online...didnt find much...anyone have a link? thanks...also how often do they ussually offer them in NY...i heard people say from once in 3 months to 5 times a month....
  7. just graduated as an RN and is given an RN job but has not taken the boards... I was told something like this exists... anyone know?
  8. I'm graduating in may and wanted to find a future new grad RN when you go for a job at the hear everyone tell you read the contract...etc...etc... I want to know what powers do you actually have....can you say I want to work MO...
  9. Doc beings medical student without permission

    I know why he does it....given the chance the female in labor will say no 95 percent of the time... I'm glad when i had my OB rotation (as a guy) I was smart enought not to ask any questions like "do you mind if i'm here" or especially telling them I...
  10. Where do you keep your stethescope?

    i didnt know what god invented necks for....I though they were just to hold up your head....then I discovered they are for stethoscopes... I make sure I have my shirt collar high so it doesnt touch my neck...
  11. what is the official title of one who...

    got it...sorry to be a pain..whats "BON"? Board of Nursing?
  12. what is the official title of one who...

    oh thanks...couldnt remember that... if I am correct they have all the privilages of an RN (except they have to be mentored untill they pass the boards) I correct?
  13. thanks everyone..this info has been helpfull:)
  14. will be graduating in june and getting a job. Wanted to know if hospitals charge extra for health insurance or offer it for free. My g/f also will be graduating (will be fiance by then hopefully) and workin as an RN as well. If a hospital offers fami...
  15. How Often Have You Seen THIS??

    someone correct me if I'm wrong but isnt alcohol mainly absorbed in the stomach? I guess the colon absorbs it as well as the guy died... go figure..I've never heard of this before...
  16. Husband appaled when I chose to do nothing

    what is "LAWD"?
  17. Husband appaled when I chose to do nothing I came to clinicals and then didnt feel good at all..(ate bad cereal in the morning) I asked to leave and on my way home in the train station I saw a woman being held up by a man..eyes closed. I approached, asked if she was ok. He told ...
  18. Price of Epogen...???

    Today I was told by a nurse in a hemodialysis unit that Epogen costs approx 10 thousand dollars a vile . I wanted to find out if anyone know if the price is that high...I doubt it and couldnt find the price in my drug guide. Thanks in advance
  19. 5 things a new RN must have...

    what are kelly clamps? anyone have a picture? what are they used for? 1)penlight 2)pen with a clip (so it doesnt fall out of your pocket when you bend down) 3) drug guide (I have drug guide, tabers enclyclopedia, nursing diagnoses, RNotes all on my p...
  20. I forgot all the BCLS stuff...and feel nervous that if I'm called upon to perform it I would not be able to. Thanks in advance.
  21. and any other additional info that you want to include..such as if you plan to stay for a while or change units or even hospitals...I'm 3months away from graduation and was interested in sampling the different oppinions out there and think this is a ...
  22. reccomend a good (free) cpr/bcls course in NYC

    Ouch I just looked up the local NY red cross online. They offer CPR coureses for 75 bucks? Can anyone reccomend something thats either free or much cheaper? Please.....
  23. How much do NY nurses make?

    I heard new grads get 58-64k depending on the hospital... Being that you have 2 years exp. you might end up in the 66k range (depending on the hospital of course)
  24. PDA's for nurses... Anyone use them?

    I use the Clie UX-50 (available at e-bay at great prices...just make sure you ask if it comes with a 1 year warranty and if it is refurbished or not.... nothing wrong with refurbished ones..except they have a 90 day warranty instead, the benefit thou...
  25. PDA's for nurses... Anyone use them?

    I use the Clie UX-50 (available at e-bay at great prices...just make sure you ask if it comes with a 1 year warranty and if it is refurbished or not.... nothing wrong with refurbished ones..except they have a 90 day warranty instead, the benefit thou...