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  1. Difference between LVN school and ADN school

    I'm in Texas. I have all of the LVN and RN pre-reqs and co-reqs, with the exception of Micro., for my school and a couple of the closest schools, and a couple of extra classes. I am contemplating the...
  2. Can anyone give me specifics on the difference in course work for LVN and ADN school. I know some say LVN is just the first year ADN but I'm thinking this may not be the case because I have viewed...
  3. Specifics about your program

    cwongsang- Thanks again for the feedback. I'm hoping I can relax a bit with summer and get it back...or not. I just can't imagine feeling this way after wanting it for a decade and a half. I think...
  4. Specifics about your program

    Thank you both. My kids will be 10, 7, 8, 5, 4. Four will be in school and 1 in preschool (it's a great place, which is great). I am just wondering, what do you do about sick care? Do you have...
  5. Specifics about your program

    I am ready to apply and am having a lot of self doubt. It all centers around my family. I just don't have faith at this point that I will be able to successfully get through the program with my...
  6. ...and heart broken. I have been in school for reqs. for 2 years, at the end of this semester. I have wanted to be a nurse for the last 17 years. I lack one class, which I had planned to take in...
  7. If you have not taken lots of extra classes and only those that apply to the current degree you are seeking maybe this will apply to you. I'm assuming if you still have 5 classes, you may have around...
  8. Grayson County LVN Fall 2012

    So sorry for your frustration. Hope you get in next go
  9. ADN program points now include BSN reqs

    I actually just found out from my BIL (who just started reqs. there) that some of the students from that school have backed out already because of the changing guidelines. He told me that they...
  10. ADN program points now include BSN reqs

    Ashley....The ADN reqs for most schools close to me are AP1, AP2, Micro, Gen. Psych., Psych-Lifespan, Sociology, English 1, Pharm., Nutrition, Med. Term., Arts, and Microcomputer Applications. A...
  11. I'm wondering if anyone else is seeing this and what your thoughts are. A program I was hoping to enter for LVN in Jan. (and then move onto ADN year after the required year working period) will now...
  12. Still completely lost about path

    dragonfly414- Thank you so much for your perspective. I have a great daycare. My youngest two go for preschool, while I do school and to be quite honest because I (and they) really have no one else...
  13. Still completely lost about path

    ixchel...I don't know what else to say except, you are right on all accounts. I really appreciate your pep talk and understanding. It's so hard to keep yourself going sometimes without support....
  14. Still completely lost about path

    Thank you both for your perspective. Yes, I'm sure I'm worrying too much, mostly about my family. I had three hospitals stays with two of my children since Jan. and it was stressful worrying about...
  15. I haven't been on here in a while. Had a couple of deaths and hospitalizations in the family and took some time off from the site to clear my head...or tried to. However, I'm still, after two years...