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About shanesmommy

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  1. Chose your precepting department VERY carefully!!!

    Thank you! That is really good advice, especially in this job market. Good luck to
  2. I am meeting with my advisor to schedule classes on thursday, but I was wondering if you could help me with a small question. How does the scheduling work? I know that some of the classes for Gen ed...
  3. I don't live there, but I just ran into a site called Seeking Its a service that connects you to highly qualified babysitters and you sign up and then are matched with a sitter. Basically...
  4. Is anyone commuting really far away?

    Hence why I am moving to Arizona. I live in Michigan so the thought of driving 45 minutes WITHOUT snow is ... well, priceless. I feel for all you people living with the snow, it really sucks. I look...
  5. Looking in Scottsdale, AZ

    When I was looking I found a really nice apartment that was reasonable... I don't know what you think is reasonable, but for Scottsdale it was about $800 for a 2 bedroom. It is Camden San Paloma, at...
  6. Question about loans and financial aid

    I got loans for my second bachelor's... but I don't know if that is true for getting two associates. I know lots of people that are going back for a second bachelors and are getting financial
  7. Chamberlain College of Nursing BSN Program

    CONGRATS! I would say see you in the fall, but you are way ahead of
  8. Mystique... THanks. Where do you buy your scrubs? I was wondering about the pants b/c I have a weird shaped body and it makes me nervous to order pants online. Do they have the right color
  9. I am trying to get ready to start this fall... but I can't find the answer to this anywhere on the website and I can email my advisor but I really don't want to bug her. Do you have to wear the scrubs...
  10. Chamberlain College of Nursing BSN Program

    I understand what you mean... I have 1 class in block 1 and one class in block 2 to take, but I have taken 2 classes in block 3 already so it should even out if I can take them at a different time and...
  11. Chamberlain College of Nursing BSN Program

    I think I might be in block 3 too! I figured it out based on what I have already taken - A&P 1 and 2, etc. It will just depend on what will transfer for me... You can find the curriculum grid on...
  12. Chamberlain College of Nursing BSN Program

    I forgot to add that it said CONGRATULATIONS new student... blah blah blah about getting a packet in the mail and what to do next (which is on the website
  13. Chamberlain College of Nursing BSN Program

    I just checked and it was sent at 1:26pm (not sure if that is my time - eastern, or mountain time). However, I emailed my advisor and got an automatic reply that she was out of the office. She was...
  14. Chamberlain College of Nursing BSN Program

    For those of you waiting for the 29th decision... I found out the day after so check your email! I will be crossing my fingers for
  15. Chamberlain College of Nursing BSN Program

    ... OK... I was just trying to be