NS who go to Chamberlain - question about class schedules


I am meeting with my advisor to schedule classes on thursday, but I was wondering if you could help me with a small question.

How does the scheduling work? I know that some of the classes for Gen ed are online, but when there is an actual class are they usually 2 or 3 days a week? Is there an option for times and days (IE MON/WED 10 am or TUE/THURS 9 am) or are specific classes ONLY offered at one time? I know it changes once you get into the nursing/clinicals, but I will be starting in year 1 semester 3 so I won't have those yet.

I am trying to figure out daycare and it is ALMOST as stressful as the whole nursing school application crap!

Can you share your expiriences??? TIA

Specializes in Primary Care.


Your cohort will be split into two groups. Those two groups will then have two classes per week, on opposite days. For example, if you are in the first group, you may have the Monday/Friday class, while the other group may have the Tuesday/Thursday class. You won't know which class days you will end up with until you have your schedule. It's sad to say, but since they only offer two different class groups, you don't really have a choice in regards to picking your class times. You must remember that they only accept 50 students at one time, so there is no need to have more than two different "groups". When you go on Thursday, you will have a better idea of your schedule at that time.

Good Luck.

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