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All Content by kittycoco

  1. CNA license expires soon.

    On section E it says 1sem unit = 15 hours. I wonder if that applies to classes listed on section D. Cuz I also took cultural anthropology, 2 chemistry classes, communication and pre-calc within my certification period. That's a lot of hours, more tha...
  2. CNA license expires soon.

    Nutrition and a&p are acceptable. I found a section of classes listed on the renewal form from the cdph site. I'm not sure if its the same on your state. And I still don't know how to convert the units into hours. I tried calling all the listed ...
  3. Wait times in So-Cal?

    Ventura college uses the point system now. You can get up to 100 points. If I turn everything in for the nursing program application, I calculated that i can have 81 points max. Is this a good chance of getting in right away? Compare to others, what'...
  4. CNA license expires soon.

    I live in cali and took Nursing Readiness within the 2 years I had my license. How can I check if this is one of the approved classes to renew my license? The website doesn't have a list.
  5. CNA license expires soon.

    I have the same issue. I live in cali and my cna license expires this June. I haven't worked as a cna. I've just been doing home-care. I need to renew my license to apply for the nursing program by March 15. I'm applying at nearby nursing homes. If I...
  6. So far, WCU is the least expensive private school in Socal that I came across with. What is the BSN Nursing program like there? Since it is compressed in 9 weeks for classes, do you actually still learn about the subject? It seems too fast to put ...
  7. Cerritos College, CA

    What school were you accepted to?
  8. Cerritos College, CA

    I'm interested in applying for the program on March 2011. I'm Option A but from another community college. I've completed all the pre-reqs and since CNA is not a requirement, I think I'm good to go. I have around a 3.4 cum gpa and all B's in anat,...
  9. What is the job market like for Nursing right now?

    How about in southern california?
  10. Cerritos College, CA

    Do you have to have to be a CNA in order to apply for their nursing program?
  11. What are the chances?

    I have a 3.36 cumulative gpa as of now. I'm done with all the prereqs for nursing in any CSU. I have all B's in anat, physio, micro. If I apply to CSU's, what are the chances of me getting in? Has there been a student chosen recently to get in...
  12. What are the chances?

    Thank you so much for the replies. I know requirements are different for every CSU's but the applicant pool statistic gave me a general idea. I still have a slight chance if I raise my gpa and do really well on the teas test. I hope I can get into ...