

Float pool for 14 months

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All Content by FiduciaRN

  1. hello all, i am in need of encouragement, as i get none from work. i was a float nurse at a small local hospital for a year. i learned a lot while i was there, but there was only so much to learn because it wasn't a trauma center and a majority of th...
  2. For those who criticized my lack of paragraphs I'd like to say a big thank you! I am adept at writing properly. As I was writing from my phone bc my computer is broken, I didn't realize that it went on so long. I am human, as I assume you who have cr...
  3. Question on piggybacking med

    On the pumps we use where I work, if you want two solutions to run at the same time, we set the pump to run concurrently. That way if I am running say heparin and nitro it will run in together. Hope this helps.
  4. Insulin administration

    When we get orders at the hosp I work at, all BP meds are written with parameters. ( Ex. Hold for systolic less than 100, or Heart rate less than 60). I always call the doc to let him know I held the med and why, but some ppl I have worked with don't...
  5. New Grad offered a critical care job? Am I ready?

    Wow. All those orientations seem so short, especially for a new grad. New grads at my ER get six months of orientation. When I started this job, I had been a nurse for a year and my orientation was 3 months. I felt like that wasn't enough. My ED sees...
  6. First medication error & on new graduate orientation :(

    Yes, we all do make mistakes and just need to use it as a lesson learned. I've made a few silly mistakes, but I've also caught mistakes by seasoned nurses. One night at my old job, I went to pull captopril 12.5. I notice as I'm about to open it, that...
  7. Summer lull?

    Awwww. I miss going to Martha's Vineyard every summer. I miss being a kid. Now I am an ED nurse @ a very busy one in NY. I will switch with you!!!! Lol. I haven't seen a lull here. It seems like all the crazies come out of the woodwork in the heat an...
  8. Need to vent

    Wow, I feel like the OP read my mind exactly. I just came off orientation in the ER and hate it. I cry everyday before I go in. I'm totally miserable. I feel inept there. I thought I hated being a float, but the ER is a totally different beast. My ho...
  9. Hey all! Last night was my first night on my on in the ER. I was scared out of my wits. I feel like I'm not ready. Everyone else seems to think I am. My managers, my preceptors, my co-workers. I think my problem is that I have zero confidence. The E...
  10. Remember The's an update!!

    I hate that new grads can't find jobs, when the ER that I work with is constantly understaffed. It is to the point that people often protest their assignments. How can you possibly work in an ER and have up to 12 pts. It is just not feasable. It mak...
  11. Terrified to be on my own with no preceptor!!

    Thanks guys for all of your advice. Its not my night co-workers who scare me. They were so good to me last night on my first night alone. They kept asking if I need help and such. The one time I did, they all ran to help me. I couldn't get an iv in t...
  12. Highest INR....

    Hello All, just a quick question or two...what is the highest INR you have seen, without any outward or inward evidence of bleeding? Last night I had a pt who had an INR of 17.9!!!!!! OMG, I was terrified. He got 2 units of FFP one unit of platelet...
  13. So the another night I taking care of a pt in the ed where I work. She noticed the tats on my wrist and went on a tangent. Why would you do that. Theyare so ugly. They are five small stars with my families birth stones and it says thanks be to God in...
  14. any reputable travel angencies?

    Thanks for all the advice. It was something that has piqued my interest since day one. The salary doesn't sound all that hot. I wanna finish my year out in the ED anyway, then that would give me about 2 1/2 yrs exp total. My biggest fear is losing ou...
  15. any reputable travel angencies?

    Hello all, I have been an RN for almost two yrs. After I finish out my first year in the ED, I would love to try travel nursing. I have had a bug in my bonnet about possibly thr US Virgin Islands. Does anyone out there have any experience or info reg...
  16. Patient made me feel like low life

    I wasn't overly sensitive to the comment, it ****** me off bc, even after her snide remark I still went in there with a big ol smile on my face. I wish I could have shown her how my whole back was done. Lol. She treated me like a maid like she was at...
  17. At what point do you stop feeling stupid?

    I've been a RN for about 15 months. I started as a float, and moved to the ER 3 months ago. I have depending on what the manager says either one day left on orientation or two wks. I'm scared outta my bird. My night manager and preceptor think I'm re...
  18. I am having the worst anxiety lately when it comes to starting a line. I'm extra stressed because my orientation in the ED is almost over and I am freaking out. I was having no problem but now as it is getting closer to being by myself I feel like a ...
  19. Highest INR....

    Previously, I've only given it SQ. When the dr said iv, I looked @ my preceptor like he had ten heads. Because I come from basically med/surg, I really haven't dealt with such a critical level as I did last night.
  20. Highest INR....

    I actually had two pts leveled in the ER last d/t falls and being on coumadin. One dude had a inr of 8.6, he got 4 units of FFP and 10 vit k iv bc he had a retroperitoneal bleed and he tore a vessel in his chest he was young 47. The other man with th...
  21. Highest INR....

    PO? I know they have it po, and I've seen it, but if a pt needs the vitamin k stat for a high inr I would think sq, or now iv as I have learned would be the best bet. Unless the po is given in a non emergent situation.
  22. What I find funny, is that when I enter the room to line and lab someone who comes into the ED,and they tell me they are a hard stick, I often get it on the first attempt with a large gauge. I often miss on the person with pipes!!!! Super annoying to...
  23. I try 2-3x. Then ask for help. Working in the ED has helped me tenfold with ivs. When I was a float, I only floated to one med/surg floor and most were elderly pts with no veins, so I either put in a 24 or 22 if I could get one in @ all. Now I usuall...
  24. I just don't know if nursing is really for me

    I think I too am frustrated because nursing isn't what I thought it was going to be! Not one floor I have worked on is what I imagined. I really enjoyed psych as a student. When I graduated I wanted to go into psych. Haaaaa. Not anymore. As a float, ...
  25. I just don't know if nursing is really for me

    I too feel the same way as the OP. I graduated in May 2008. I really procrastinated looking for a job, and finally landed a job in Feb 09. I never really wanted to work at this hospital, but needed a job, so I took the job as a float. I figured that ...