

ED, ICU, Education

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About resumecpr

resumecpr has 7 years experience and specializes in ED, ICU, Education.

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  1. Student Concerns...

    I know a nursing student who frequents the local ED seeking narcotic pain medications...which she always receives. I am concerned for her ability to treat patients while using narcotic medication....
  2. Online PALS Class

    Thanks for all your responses! I signed up for the online AHA class and scheduled the skills check-off with my local EMS educator. Total cost...$225. The other non-AHA class was $275 AND I would...
  3. Was I in the wrong to try to call 911?

    So what happened after her "seizure"? Did she get up and skip
  4. Online PALS Class

    Hello All, I need a PALS class ASAP before I begin a new job. I have taken it before but need the 2 day as my previous has expired. . Do the online PALS classes provide AHA provider cards? Anybody...
  5. Kathy White for
  6. Could it be a heart attack or Pneumonia?

    How about an
  7. Have you ever puked/fainted/etc at work?

    I was in my final year of nursing school, working in palliative/oncology. I had helped a patient to the bathroom (IV pole and everything) when the tunnel vision began. I managed to squat to the...
  8. PVC and PAC in ECG rhythm

    I would suggest taking a 12 lead EKG class. Is it not mandatory where you work? Recognizing all types of cardiac rhythms is definitely a qualification for any ICU nurse (where I work
  9. shocked @ email received

    We recently started having madatory work email. On the first week, we ALL got many emails from a penile enlargement company, and adult lesbian Mediaography video
  10. Ventilators and how they work

    Remember the pneumonic DOPE? D - Disconnection O - Obstruction P - Pnemothorax E - Equipment
  11. Doctor and nurse

    " I have seen the difference education and experience in nursing makes. Nurses look at their patients...sometimes reading even the smallest cues that things are wrong, this includes physical and...
  12. Doctor and nurse

    I wanted to be a MD, but didn't want to go away to school as my father had recently died and I felt like my mother needed me. I went to nursing school instead and got my Bachelor's degree. It was...
  13. DUI/DWI in Maryland

    PBJ? Peanut butter and
  14. Helpful Hints: Female Patient Urinary Catheter Insertion

    For larger patients, I put the bed in trendelemburg and always drop the siderail so I can better position myself. Sometimes I ever have another nurse or two hold her legs up and apart. Haven't missed...
  15. New CPR Song for New CPR Rate?

    Re : Bangarang. Hahah!!! I love that song...however, I feel that I may start trying to spin on the patient's chest rather than compress