
nossawja BSN, RN

Hemodialysis; Peritoneal Dialysis

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About nossawja

nossawja has 13 years experience as a BSN, RN and specializes in Hemodialysis; Peritoneal Dialysis.

I am a Clinical Nurse Coordinator for Home Dialysis for a large academic institution in St. Louis, Missouri.  I teach patients to do hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis at home and coordinate their care.  I have 13 years of experience in renal and have held many different positions in outpatient dialysis, inpatient dialysis, clinical education, and management.

- 2006; Began work as a Patient Care Technician in a dialysis unit

- 2009; Became a Certified Clinical Hemodialysis Technician

- 2009; Graduated with a Diploma in Practical Nursing

- 2012; Graduated with an Associate of Applied Science in Nursing

- 2018; Became a Certified Dialysis Nurse

- 2019; Graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing


Latest Activity

  1. When I was a clinical educator, we had a "fast track" for experienced nurses and technicians. They went to certain core classes that were basically review, they had to demonstrate skills in...
  2. Graduation is complete, I passed all classes, diploma is in the mail. Thanks for the
  3. Help!!!Accesses covered compliance

    When I was a clinical educator, I always used the story of the patient I had who's venous needle dislodged. He was sleeping and covered in a navy blue blanket. The machine ran for a while before the...
  4. Move from Chronic outpatient to home?

    I worked in-center hemo for 12 years (different positions, one as clinical educator) and just started a job with home dialysis teaching both HHD and PD. I absolutely love
  5. Heparin Practices

    Did she say why it was a liability for the population you work with? Do you use heparin to keep CVCs patent? I've worked in acute dialysis and the docs prescribed heparin just like in the outpatient...
  6. Breaking into Dialysis

    I worked for Fresenius and DaVita both, but now work for an academic institution; both companies have job websites, which sounds like you know already. They both also have hiring events, but those...
  7. Hi all, I graduated recently from an RN to BSN program. Obviously, I didn't have to take boards again (thank goodness), but I'm unclear as to when I can begin using "BSN" in my name. Since I...
  8. Very Excited

  9. Very Excited

    I've been waiting for my letter of acceptance for the LPN Articulation program at Southwestern Illinois College in Belleville, Illinois...and I was ACCEPTED! I am really happy to be starting the...
  10. LPN to RN Program - SWIC, Belleville IL

    WOO!! I got into the LPN Articulation program! So excited. Glad to finally
  11. You know you are a dialysis nurse when

    Dody, I know exactly what you mean. I got a PRN job at a hospital and I have to remember to take the needles out! Only leave them in when working HD!
  12. You know you are a dialysis nurse when

    OMG that is hilarious about the thinking its an alarm. Sometime when I'm at home, sitting all alone by myself, I'll turn around because I think I hear an alarm!! You know you are a hemodialysis nurse...
  13. rnbob has a good tip! Keep your eye on the bag. Even then, sometimes it runs dry. Everyone does it, and if they say they haven't they're lying.
  14. Dialysis Related Whining: 1) No you cannot have GUM in your mouth while you are on the machine. If you pass out d/t hypotension, I'm not jumping up and down on your abdomen to force it out. 2) Yes,...
  15. Hi all, I'm an LPN that has applied for the LPN to RN Articulation Program at Southwestern Illinois College. I'm anxiously awaiting my letter of acceptance (knock on wood). I'm just wondering if...