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About jamie0110

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  1. I'm in nursing school and yesterday I was poked by a needle from a patient who was Hep C+...I am freaking out. Another student left an uncapped needle on the med cart and I put my hand down on it, it...
  2. I am currently about to graduate my LVN program and I am now looking to do the LVN to RN bridge program but everywhere I look there is a wait list. Does anybody know of any schools in California...
  3. Has anyone gone to Unitek College in Fremont? I am having the hardest time finding loans. I am already enrolled in the program and put my deposit down but I am having trouble finding loans. I DO NOT...
  4. Bay Area LVN programs

    I am currently applying for the loans right now. I have to decide which way to go...the private or the federal student loans. I put my deposit down so I am starting the program on July 28th in...
  5. Bay Area LVN programs

    They are charging $33,000 or $34,000 I don't remember which one it is and the RN program is $38,000 but you get $4,000 off of it if you go through their LVN program. The start dates are July 12th for...
  6. Bay Area LVN programs

    I am currently looking into going to Unitek but it is soooo expensive. I am meeting with a Unitek adviser tomorrow for the second time because I have more questions and I want to go over the whole...
  7. I am considering going to Unitek college in Fremont, CA which is a more like a western career college kind of school and is not a community college or state school program. I am considering going to...
  8. Bay Area Nursing Programs

    I am searching for an RN program in the bay area without a wait list. I am willing to go to a vocation/technical school. Does anyone know of any programs without a wait list or with a short wait list....