alk3rainbow replied to Town & Country's topic in General Nursing
There definately are people who will steal from residents. However, there are also a lot of residents who misplace things or imagine things or just plain out want to cause waves. Sometimes it is...
alk3rainbow replied to Manning626's topic in General Nursing
Why would you go to a university and then transfer over to a community college? Why not just get your prereqs done at the community college you plan on transfering to. I've had a LOT of advisors...
Would having an entry level separation from the military make me inelgible to sit for the nclex? My dd214 says under reason for separation 'errenous enlistment', I don't know if that is relevant or...
alk3rainbow replied to northernnyLPN's topic in LPN, LVN Corner
You have to be careful with any of these distance education schools just because there are a few states out there who won't let you take the boards. I believe Illinois is one of them and it does not...
alk3rainbow replied to futurenurse2's topic in General Nursing
I'm still a student nurse so maybe there are rockier roads ahead, but I enjoyed nutrition and even my cna class and I love reading about health related materials, but so far I can't stand anatomy and...
alk3rainbow replied to JennInColumbus's topic in General Nursing
I'm going for my lpn right now, but I'm considering going for my english degree afterwards. Go to school on a part time basis and then maybe teach high school english in a few years and do nursing...
alk3rainbow replied to Rudegal2020's topic in General Nursing
You can usually skip periods with a lot of birth don't necessarily have to take the special 'seasonal' one. I'm on the nuvaring and my doctor told me instead of taking the ring out for...
alk3rainbow replied to camay1221_RN's topic in General Nursing
How could you tell the girls parents without breaking confidentiality? While I do agree that this girl is being extremely naive and stupid, I know MANY women who had children as a teenager and they...
alk3rainbow replied to KacyLynnRN's topic in General Nursing
Wow coming from a family of blue collared workers, I'm extremely offended. Get off your high horse. Being a "professional" doesn't make you better then anyone else. Blue collared workers aren't...
Oh I hate jobs like that. I had a receptionist job when I was 17, and because I didn't pick up on doing invoices and all these other new skills right away that the girl who was there before me could...
I remember when I was doing my cna clinicals...we'd get a fifteen minute break and a 30 minute lunch break and we were only there for 6 hours so I would never eat on either. I'm unemployed so I don't...
umm well even in the military we got to wear our underwear. That doesn't seem right. They shouldn't have to be humiliated in order to get a physical. I know I wouldn't feel comfortable in a...
alk3rainbow replied to Still Riding's topic in General Nursing
Customer service jobs aren't much better. You get cussed at and threatened for many things that are completely out of your control. I worked at this huge nursery department store and the other...