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  1. help a new scrub nurse

    ok. just. read that the writer is not posting
  2. help a new scrub nurse

    can any of us get that. guide
  3. Can't land a job on labor and delivery

  4. Heroin withdrawal

    Wow. that sounds really frustrating. I agree. with elkpark and maybe those. MD's. comments need to be reviewed. with higher ups asvto why he felt that way. These are special babies. that need our...
  5. Ambulatory Care Nursing Certification

    Wondering?? Is anyone in ambulatory care learning to do Pulmonary Function tests. and how. did it go. I need to learn and would appreciate any advice thank
  6. Awwww don't feel bad😔. I have been a nurse three plus decades and I feel we need to see more if this. WE/NURSES are a very proud group and with that comes passion and drive. I feel it speaks...
  7. Labor and Delivery Orientation

    As an experienced. L/D nurse I have often seen this "cutting down" on L/D orientation. done by a maybe new Nurse Manager that hasn't been. "on the floor" for a. long time. Have seen this and ends up...
  8. C/S scrub nurse

    Wondering.. I am a labor and delivery nurse and want to learn to scrub. We have to to the periop on AORN, and that is fine. Do other L/D nurses learn from other nurse or scrubtechs. Are your OB...

    Hi Everyone, Thank you for your posts. Wish me luck-- I guess test s still make me nervous , even after 35 yrs in nsg ty
  10. Bedside report in labor and delivery

    Hi Thank you!! Both are very helpful

    Has anyone taken stable recently. Is there a pre test, and what kind of preparation should I do for the course. Is it difficult. Is the test hard to pass? Any suggestions or info greatly...
  12. L/D RN learning to scrub for c/sec

    Hi Thanks for your posts. My concern is if there are not enough shed. sections maybe 4-5 week and a scrub tech does those, it frustrating. If I do some on the job training, peri op training, ect...
  13. 7 months and I can't do this anymore.

    Hi I know these post make me sad. DO NOT give up. We have been there I did a nursing change at age 49 to labor and delivery. It was tough handsome days I ask myself-- "should I stilled this" It is...
  14. Bedside report in labor and delivery

    Hi Wondering if annoys doing bedside report in labor and delivery. My unit wants to start and would appreciate any tips, help, and suggestions. Also if anyone has good articles on this topic please...
  15. Titrating Oxytocin

    look at GE Healthcare by Dr David Miller its about 100 dollars The animation is fantastic and