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About nursingstudentnikkic

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  1. Heart

    Hi im a nursing student.. this question concerns myself however. For, I dont remember, maybe the past 6 months, at random times i get this sharp pain in my chest. I push on it and it kind of goes...
  2. CCAC Spring 2010

    this quote has nothing to do with it.. but are you by any chance in AP2 right now at allegheny
  3. 1st year nursing student

    thank you guys for the
  4. 1st year nursing student

    Im so confused! I want to know if anyone felt that way being a first year (first semester) nursing student? For my assessments I often second guess myself bc Im scared that maybe what im hearing is a...
  5. Post-op Careplan

    I just had one.. My guy had tongue cancer.. For his priority nursing diagnosis i had... Ineffective Airway Clearence related to laryngeal edema as evidence by dyspnea. What type of surgery did he...
  6. Help! Paying For NS?

    yea.. its a big difference if your independant or dependant.. im now considered independant thanks to those letters.. therefore i get higher amounts for
  7. Help! Paying For NS?

    I didnt grow up in a "good" family. My parents were not stable (until recently) and i moved out when i was 15 years old. I told the financial aid office this and they told me i needed to get two...
  8. CCAC Spring 2010

    it will come soon dont worry.. and no matter what you get something saying you wernt accepted i believe.. so no news can sometimes be good news.. i regret the orange stethascope just because i feel...
  9. CCAC Spring 2010

    doesnt matter the color of stethascope.. i have a bright orange one. i regret getting that color now... TEST-- i read throught his and i guess chocobean is also in the program but her test are...
  10. CCAC Spring 2010

    so many questions and its hard to know what ones i need to answer... uniforms-- mine costed around 100 dollars, but i also go the warm up jacket.. i dont wanna go to lunch with gross stuff on my...
  11. CCAC Spring 2010

    hi everyone =] i know the pain you are going through. Im at the north campus and im in my first semester NRN101. Its challenging but well worth it. I suggest people get the co-reqs out of the way as...
  12. Nursing diagnosis for Lobesectomy

    Sorry, yes its a lobectomy of the lung. He was post-op metastatic salivary gland carcinoma to the lung. He is AAO x 3. His HEENT is wnl. neuro is wnl. cardio wnl. Pt c/o dry cough.. His bowel sounds...
  13. Nursing diagnosis for Lobesectomy

    HI!!! Im a first year nursing student. My patient for my clinical on friday was a week after his lobesectomy surgery. He was even released from the hospital during the day. I have to do a Med/Surg...