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All Content by Beaus_mom

  1. New RN, pregnant

    So I just passed my boards September 1st and am currently 6 months pregnant. I interviewd for a job three days after my boards, and was just offered it today. Now, I didn't bring up my pregnancy in the interview because I was told it is a 'don't ask,...
  2. New RN, pregnant

    Well, I really thought they could tell I was pregnant during the interview, my husband told me it was obvious, however they did not. But shortly after starting the position, many of the aides I work with suspected it and had the nurse training me, as...
  3. Question about CEU's

    So I am a brand new RN and I am wondering about CEU's. I know you need so many to keep your license up every year, but how many? Secondly, my first license expires in 6 months, do I need CEUs in this 6 month period or do I need to start doing that af...
  4. Question about CEU's

    Ah, thank you! I was able to find the first one but that second link was just what I wanted to know!
  5. Question about CEU's

    I'm from Michigan if that helps...
  6. NCLEX frustrations

    Hi all, I took the NCLEX tuesday at 11 a.m. and finished around noon. My state participates in the 'quick results' but they are not yet showing for me on Pearson. I am getting very anxious, and of course will keep trying, but does this mean I failed?...
  7. NCLEX frustrations

    I passed!!!! I can't even take it off of the result page I am so excited to see that word!
  8. NCLEX frustrations

    Shalom, how long did your results take? Was it over 48 hours?
  9. NCLEX frustrations

    Quick results would tell me wether I passed or failed though right? Would it take longer if I failed? It seems like if I did fail, I must've failed bad to have done it in only 75 questions, so why would the results take so long? I know I am being ver...
  10. NCLEX frustrations

    Okay, when I click on register on the left side, it says I need to update my profile in order to continue, in which there is a link to click on. I click on the link and when I go to fill in the information, it freezes every that a bad sign...
  11. NCLEX frustrations

    I have tried but guess I am unsureof how to do it. I tried to re-register and it says that I already have an account and would have to update my profile to continue, which I try but it has frozen on me three times when I try that. I tried to go to '...
  12. NCLEX frustrations

    Over 48 hours?? yikes. this is soo hard.