NCLEX frustrations


Hi all,

I took the NCLEX tuesday at 11 a.m. and finished around noon. My state participates in the 'quick results' but they are not yet showing for me on Pearson. I am getting very anxious, and of course will keep trying, but does this mean I failed?? I had 75 questions, and honestly don't know how I feel about it. It was the weirdest test I have ever taken. Any advice?

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

Moved to the NCLEX forum


It can take just over 48 hours so hang in there. Good luck

Over 48 hours?? yikes. this is soo hard.

Do the pearson vue trick that may calm you down, or will prepare you in case the news are not good.

I have tried but guess I am unsureof how to do it. I tried to re-register and it says that I already have an account and would have to update my profile to continue, which I try but it has frozen on me three times when I try that. I tried to go to 'schedule a test' and it just takes me back to my account....

Hmm...that is weired. Did you see successful when you attempted to register again? ..

here are the exact steps to see if you passed or failed the nclex exam on the pearson vue web site:

1) go to

2) select the 'test taker services' tab at the top.

3) click 'register' on the right side.

4) click the 'credit card' link.

5) click the 'sign in' link in the second sentence.

6) enter your username.

7) enter your password.

8) click the button. look for “delivery successful” announcement, then proceed to the next step.

9) click 'register' on the left side.

10) select your test type.

11) click the button.

12) select your country.

13) click the button.

14) answer the yes/no questions.

15) select your country again.

16) select your state.

17) type in your school code.

18) click the button.

19) select your school.

20) select the month and year of your graduation.

21) select your board of nursing.

22) click the button. pop up says:

our records indicate that you have recently scheduled this exam. please contact your member board for further assistance. another registration cannot be made at this time.

Okay, when I click on register on the left side, it says I need to update my profile in order to continue, in which there is a link to click on. I click on the link and when I go to fill in the information, it freezes every that a bad sign that it takes me to that screen?

Maybe print the exact directions and go through each step slowly, sometimes when you're nervous you skip things...maybe that is what is happening here. I do not think the computer freezing is indication of bad or good news. Good Luck!

Okay, when I click on register on the left side, it says I need to update my profile in order to continue, in which there is a link to click on. I click on the link and when I go to fill in the information, it freezes every that a bad sign that it takes me to that screen?

It is hard waiting for results..but hang in there! I took mine on Monday and only had 75 questions...I was sure I didn't pass and didn't even want to do the Quick results to only find out that I failed...but I passed! Let us know how you did. I will say a prayer for you.

Could it be your computer? Maybe you could try someone elses computer. I am not sure why it does that to you. Hmm, sorry that I could not help you. However, you are obviously going to find out real soon. I do not think that this clitche with your computer has anything to do with your pass or fail. Just weired that it does that, but dont look at that as a bad sign.

Quick results would tell me wether I passed or failed though right? Would it take longer if I failed? It seems like if I did fail, I must've failed bad to have done it in only 75 questions, so why would the results take so long? I know I am being very anxious but it is soo hard to wait.

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