Been there,done that ASN, RN

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About Been there,done that

Been there,done that has 33 years experience as a ASN, RN.

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  1. Been there,done that

    Long nails as an ER nurse

    As Wuzzie said, each facility will have different policies. Way back in the day, when I worked in the hospital,,, any type of artificial nail was prohibited. This was for infection control. It's not...
  2. Been there,done that

    Call out

    You would lose your pay for the previous day you
  3. Been there,done that

    First death

    Refer your managers' questions to your preceptor. They were training you when the patient passed. Did you ask your preceptor if the manager is also questioning her? It sounds like there may be...
  4. Been there,done that

    Returning at 62

    If you have not worked as a nurse in 23 years, you would not be qualified to work
  5. Been there,done that

    How should I handle CNA

    CNA knows you are a new nurse. He is attempting to prevent you from asking him for help in the future. Best way to handle it is.. be firm and repeat your request. " The beds can wait. I need to make...
  6. Been there,done that

    How can I word this to my manager when she asks me to pick up extra?

    JKL said it all. But I must chime in! You have a new manager that wants to exert her authority (bully is a good word too).Don't get into any issue with her. You are already on her radar. I have seen...
  7. Been there,done that

    Moving as a nurse

    You are getting way ahead of yourself. Focus on graduating.Then focus on getting experience. "certain hyper specific requirements" will
  8. Been there,done that

    Life Changes

    Of course I remember you. Always good advice. I wish you
  9. Been there,done that

    Do I need a lawyer?

    Everytime I am in the hospital, or even on just a phone call.. they always ask me what my date of birth is. It is a major
  10. Been there,done that

    Home health work from nurses home?

    how could you do home health visita from your
  11. Been there,done that

    A job told me they would get back to me today but didn't

    The manager and HR are very busy people. Need to wait it
  12. Been there,done that

    Hiring Process

    HR runs slow. I once waited 6 months for a response to an application. Good
  13. Been there,done that

    My patient doesn't want to work with me at all and it's hurtful

    Do not end your shift until your patient is
  14. Been there,done that

    💔 nurse about to become a dog groomer

    There is no longer any time to care. The idea is.. get them in and get them out. That is where the money is. I know the nurses appreciate having a wound care specialist. I always did. Have you...
  15. Been there,done that

    Write up

    Mailing the info to the wrong person is a