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All Content by rochvan18

  1. Pls help me.

    hi I'm from the philippines but I'm staying here at my aunt's at honolulu, hawaii. I had my bachelors degree in the philippines and im very interested in becoming a nurse here in hawaii. what would be the first thing that i should do? i was hoping t...
  2. i need help.

    hi, im from the PI. right now im staying with my aunt here in honolulu, hawaii. i would like to know what will be my first step if i would like to be an RN here? i had my bachelors degree in the philippines and i only have a tourist visa. i will be g...
  3. i need help.

    ok thank you so much.
  4. i need help.

    ok thank you very much. but i have another question. do i need to take CGFNS before NCLEX?