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All Content by allthesmallthings

  1. Steel Magnolias and Sweet Memories

    nice :) thanks for posting! I gotta watch Steel Magnolias again now!
  2. How do I get along with my coworkers? new grad

    I'm six months into my first job, and I'm still iffy with my coworkers, two women who work with me every night. They get along great with each other, but they've never really warmed to me. I took offense to their indifference, thinking it was rude...
  3. Time to call a duck a duck?

    Too bad it got shut down; I'd be interested in that opinion.
  4. Why do nurses fight so much with one another?

    Which way is that, do you think? I admire people who can handle problems internally, and I'd like to learn that.
  5. Making mistakes at work

    If your coworkers were laughing, then I think it was because of one of two motivations: 1) they're being catty, and unecessarily, because I don't see how pulling out a Foley mistakenly and recognizing the mistake and correcting it promptly is a big d...
  6. IV Questions from a New Nurse

    I keep being confused as to why people say to treat phlebitis with heat. Phlebitis is inflammation -- inflammation is treated with cold, yes? Also, on the topic of IV's, I'm confused as to why I rarely get blood return when I pull back on a heplock/...
  7. I'm nine months into my first nursing job, night shift on a med-surg, postly post-ortho-surgical floor. I'm looking around at moving around in my career (getting a little bored on my floor, although by no means have I learned everything; just think I...
  8. Professionalism in Nursing

    That's terrible, sanchy - both that your teachers act like that, and that you've met "very few people [...] actually proud of being nurse." Maybe I'm lucky, but every nurse I meet (whether a good one or a bad one, for whatever that's worth) is proud...
  9. Professionalism in Nursing

    Thank you, workerbeeze, and L. Ron Hubbard. Although, yes, I will have to ask you where you came up with the furry-muffin-as-headgear image.
  10. Professionalism in Nursing

    Hee, hee, hee. Oh, Town & Country. How delightfully evil of you. Although, yes, as a new nurse, I have sometimes come slam against the wall of what admin TRULY values (need I say, it aien't patients, it's the bottom line, whether that's making...
  11. And if we catch you smoking you'll be charge $25

    Fribblet, I think the difference is that smoking hurts the body pretty much all the time - again, unless you're the exception to the rule and smoke all your life and don't have any health repercussions - as well as hurting those around you; whereas m...
  12. And if we catch you smoking you'll be charge $25

    I don't see how it's not fair. Just looking at it logically, smokers of any profession cost more on the health insurance program; how is it therefore not fair to charge them more? If you have a PMH, you're automatically charged more, on private ins...
  13. Time to call a duck a duck?

  14. job change/salary raises/certification

    I am a new grad (6 months on my first job) and starting to look around at other job opportunities. 4 questions: 1) How do I look around for another job without attracting negative attention to myself at my current job? I'm not interested in leavin...
  15. You are part of the problem with healthcare today if...

    Shocking! Too bad you didn't get it on camera.
  16. IV tips and tricks

    I just got 2 IV's in a row last night after keeping up with this thread for the past few days, and the ironic thing is, I followed both posts above, even though they seem to be contradictory! I pushed in "one bevel-length" past flashback; and then,...
  17. IV tips and tricks

    I wouldn't blame myself for the nervous lady, anyway, Blueorchid. Like you said, she had psych stuff going on. It's a reasonable assumption for an IV stick-ee to be able to wait a second while you do whatever you need to to poke her, including tellin...
  18. IV tips and tricks

    I'm not sure that surprise jabs are the way to go; probably more times than not, with nervous people, they'll wind up jerking. Maybe a standard, for-all-sticks, firm but quick, no-nonsense "I need you to hold still," accompanied by firmly placing yo...
  19. career questiosn

    I am a new grad (6 months on my first job) and starting to look around at other job opportunities. 4 questions: 1) How do I look around for another job without attracting negative attention to myself at my current job? I'm not interested in leaving m...
  20. I'm 6 months into my first nursing job, and I'm not getting along too well with my two nurse coworkers (I get along fine with my charge nurse and the tech, who are the other employees on the rotation). We keep having minor flare-ups. I THINK that I...
  21. how long should I hold out before I switch rotations?

    Wow, you hit the nail on the head with that last question. Yeah, I have some trouble with people. However, I seem to have more problems with these two coworkers than any others. Again, I don't know if, if I did switch rotations, I would develop pr...
  22. Infiltrated IV lead to infection?

    When one of my patient's IV's infiltrated, another nurse said I should pull it out IMMEDIATELY before it got infected. I don't really understand that; the cannula is still sterile, right? How's it going to get infected? Besides, before an IV infil...
  23. Infiltrated IV lead to infection?

    One more time, I'm talking about why the coworker said I needed to pull it out IMMEDIATELY. Obviously I wasn't going to leave it in there forever, and I'm not talking about the IV being worthless, I'm talking about its potential to do HARM. To cla...
  24. IV tips and tricks

    Why is that?
  25. IV Refresher Course

    Ok, ok, this has probably been addressed before. I'm just going to tag my own IV question onto this post. I'm a new grad, and I've gotten to the point where I usually do get flashback, but then blow the vein. I blank out about how to get the plast...