how long should I hold out before I switch rotations?


I'm 6 months into my first nursing job, and I'm not getting along too well with my two nurse coworkers (I get along fine with my charge nurse and the tech, who are the other employees on the rotation). We keep having minor flare-ups. I THINK that I can ride it out, with my new "lie low and shut up and don't do anything to annoy them" philosophy. However, I'm just thinking about another option, switching rotations. (In my hospital, you work three days one week, four days the next week, so there are two rotations for each shift.) I've worked a couple of times on the other rotation when I'm doing overtime, and I seem to get along fine with those nurses. The charge nurse and the tech seem cool, and the two nurse coworkers are a lot more laid-back, less hormonal, less in general IRRITATED by me, friendlier and more accepting/open, more helpful.

Not that I've made up my mind toward trying to switch rotations, NOR an I even leaning towards it, since I think it would be good for me to ride out this storm with my current coworkers, and since I've only been with the other rotation a couple of times, so I don't know if this is a true reflection of how we would get along.

However, how long should I give it before I seriously consider switching? If I'm still having difficulties in another six months, should I try switching? Would that be a heads-up to management that I'm not a "team player," since I apparently can't get along with my coworkers, and something that they'll always keep in mind about me; or is it no big deal to them, just whatever works for me and whichever nurse I hypothetically find to switch with me? Is there any way for me to casually ask around about it without starting another brush-fire?

If you want to switch, switch. It's not that big of a deal, certainly not worth agonizing over. Tell managment those other days work better for you, you don't need to elaborate. But....(unsoliciated advice) you have trouble getting along with people? If this is a pattern with you, you'll probably take it with you no matter who you work with.

Wow, you hit the nail on the head with that last question. Yeah, I have some trouble with people. However, I seem to have more problems with these two coworkers than any others. Again, I don't know if, if I did switch rotations, I would develop problems with the others...Maybe I should just wait six months until I'm more comfortable as a nurse and don't have to be asking questions all the time, and then switch, for my own comfort? The other-rotation nurses are older, and just seem less hormonal, less apt to take things personally, more maternal and less catty.

Well, some people are easier to get along with, that's for sure. And I know when I worked nights I wasn't the most pleasant person to be around, since I felt like a walking zombie. Good luck with whatever you decide.

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