Thinking about going into OR advice?


I'm nine months into my first nursing job, night shift on a med-surg, postly post-ortho-surgical floor. I'm looking around at moving around in my career (getting a little bored on my floor, although by no means have I learned everything; just think I don't want to be there forever). I'm thinking about an MSN to go CNS or NP; but I also may be interested in OR. I say "may be" because it sounds like something I may either love or hate. I like A+P, and cutting up people sounds interesting to me...but, on the other hand, how much does the nurse actually do? Does it get old, just handing the surgeon stuff? (I know there's some kind of "sterile nurse" position, and I'm not interested in that; I'm more interested in doing stuff, at the OR table.)

OR nurses...can you tell me some real-world info on your job? What you do, beyond the little descriptions I can read on the Internet; what you like about, what you don't like; salary vs. med-surg floor; the kind of nurses who do well in OR vs. those who find it isn't for them; does it keep being interesting, absorbing? Or does it become more assembly-line mentality? What's it like, working closely with a small team of people for pretty much your whole shift (vs. med-surg floor, where I pretty much do my own thing, just helping out/asking for help when necessary)?

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