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All Content by ssalulu

  1. Novant differential pay

    I'm looking mainly in the Charlotte area. Is differential pay a dollar amount for nights and weekends or a percentage of pay? Someone is suppose to contact me, but I won't hear from them until next week. Thanks!
  2. I'm planning on testing in Utica for my CPNE and wanted to get some questions answered if anyone can help me out. Where is the closest airport? Is there one in Utica? Any suggestions on places to stay? Is there a hotel within walking distance or ...
  3. When working 12 hour shifts, what does your schedule usually look like? Do you work 3 12s in a row? How many days off between? 2, 3, 4?
  4. Frontier Nursing University Class 127

    Summer. July 7
  5. Frontier Nursing University Class 127

    Frontier's facebook page says that FNP and WHNP acceptances will be out by the end of the day tomorrow:)
  6. Frontier Nursing University Class 127

    A lot of hotels have free shuttle to and from the airport. I am planning on taking the shuttle back to the airport that morning to catch the shuttle to the school.
  7. Frontier Nursing University Class 127

    I'm planning to fly in Sunday night also. I can only find one flight to arrive before two o'clock on Monday and I would have to fly overnight to do it. I would rather just get there Sunday, even if I have to stay at a hotel.
  8. Frontier Nursing University Class 127

    I believe they have a shuttle for $75 round trip.
  9. Frontier Nursing University Class 127

    I am in also! I'm so incredibly excited:)
  10. Frontier Nursing University Class 127

    Don't be sorry. Our hopes are all up anyway. The weekend is the hardest because it is two whole days that we know we aren't going to hear anything. I'm just glad I'm working all weekend so I won't have to think about it too much.
  11. Frontier Nursing University Class 127

    Good news is since I didn't think we would find out today, I only checked my email 100 times instead of 200
  12. Frontier Nursing University Class 127

    I wouldn't give up too much hope about tomorrow. They don't list Good Friday as one of their observed holidays and I don't know many other schools that do either, so they may still be open and operating:)
  13. Frontier Nursing University Class 127

    echo echo echo.......... Has anyone heard anything recently?
  14. Frontier Nursing University Class 127

    Well if they sent you this email today, then we probably won't hear anything today:/
  15. Frontier Nursing University Class 127

    I'm channeling good vibes for Friday too. I need to stop checking my email so much. My phone's little button is going to be worn out!
  16. Frontier Nursing University Class 127

    I haven't heard anything yet. I know they send acceptance by email, but I am not sure about denials.
  17. Frontier Nursing University Class 127

    I know what you mean. Every time I hear my phone notification for email, my heart skips a beat! Lol.
  18. LPNs who went through excelsior

    I went to excelsior right out of LPN school with no experience. I passed the CPNE the first time. I went to a workshop and studied every day for 6 weeks. It's doable.
  19. Frontier Nursing University Class 127

    CNEP. Good luck to you also. I'm worried that my statistics classes aren't acceptable enough, but I guess you don't know unless you try!
  20. Frontier Nursing University Class 127

    I'll wait with you. Saw that the deadline was extended, so I finished my portfolio and submitted yesterday.
  21. Sending transcripts to Frontier

    For those that have applied, did you send transcripts directly from the institutions to Frontier, or did you have them send them to you and then you forwarded them to Frontier when you had them all together. I don't see any information on the site.
  22. Sending transcripts to Frontier

    For those that have applied, did you send transcripts directly from the institutions to Frontier, or did you have them send them to you and then you forwarded them to Frontier when you had them all together. I don't see any information on the site.
  23. Has anyone completed this? How long did it take you to complete the hours? Trying to plan out my term.
  24. BSN COmmunity Health Practicum

    It is 90 hours. The course mentor says it will take 3-4 months but I just didn't think it would take that long. I have accelerated my other classes so I know that I could accelerate this one also. I have 7-8 weeks left in the term. I feel like I can ...
  25. suggestion on sheri taylor's workshop r/o

    Yes. And I passed the first time at Utica. That was this past February.