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About RedXIII_

im 21.

Latest Activity

  1. Womens interest in male nurses

    I landed so many chicks with the word nurse haha
  2. I got in it to meet hot female nurses. Kidding hahaha...anyways, I love science and I think the human body is awesome. The technology is pretty sweet too! I know most of you are probably older, so...
  3. CNA ER Interview today

    I got the job in the ER :) Thanks guys. Also SlaveHeart, thanks! I've been a CNA for like a year, but never had a CNA job....just 22 and going through nursing school (RN). This is my first...
  4. CNA- Have an interview for ER tech..

    I got the Job guys
  5. Starting Nursing School in the fall?

    a stethoscope, coffee, and some more coffee lol and study hard. :) like.....super hard.
  6. I know most of you are RN's, but hopefully some of you may know something about this. So it's 4am and I'm going crazy because I have an interview later today (2pm) for a position as a CNA in the ER....
  7. Chest tube care

    Keep a bottle of sterile water nearby just
  8. I know most of you are RN's, but hopefully some of you may know something about this. So it's 4am and I'm going crazy because I have an interview later today (2pm) for a position as a CNA in the ER....
  9. Almost done with nursing school..but...... maybe it should just be something I should hide from the beginning? I guess a long sleeve under the scrubs will have to do. Hopefully they aren't too strict about
  10. I have a sleeve tattoo haha and it's kinda worrying me. I don't regret the tat at all, i love it. Anyways, has anyone had any problems with employment because of tattoos? or do any of you have...
  11. How did everyones semester go?

    I passed this semester! 3 more to
  12. Nursing vs. Accounting.

    That's exactly why I'm thinking of ICU I'm in still in school, but I'm planning ahead
  13. Nursing vs. Accounting.

    I was an accounting major! After the second week I stopped going to class LOL. I hated it. I'm in nursing school now and I love it!
  14. what is nursing school like?

    O.O Oh god, now I'm scared for the rest of the semesters
  15. what is nursing school like?

    pretty much how it is for us too. It's ok! We'll get through