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  1. safety for home health nurses

    > Just curious, but are nurses afraid to work in neighborhoods with minorities? And what is so scary about making a home visit where a family member/friend happens to be mentally ill? Mentally...
  2. Judging Patients & Families

    > I am sorry to hear about your mother and hope she is better. I would also like to thank you for taking the time to write a civil reply. It did shed some light on the problem I experienced in the...
  3. Judging Patients & Families

    So what is everyone getting their kids for christmas, I am ashamed to say I haven't even started shopping yet....... >> Not surprised. If nurses won't bring patients their pain medicine...
  4. Judging Patients & Families

    > Sooooooo, are you saying that my loved one did not have to wait 8 hours for pain and nausea medicine?????? The best way to discount someone is to label them mentally ill. Are you saying that my...
  5. Nurse Stabbed!

    > What exactly was happening immediately before this incident took
  6. safety for home health nurses

    > What did you do to make him so angry? I worked at a state hospital during college and I was never assaulted and neither were any of the other
  7. Why Aren't Call Bells Answered?

  8. Judging Patients & Families

    My loved one had to wait in agony for 8 hours in the ER before they received pain and nausea medication. As I mentioned in a previous post, I worked at a state hospital during college and we had...
  9. Why Aren't Call Bells Answered?

    > Actually, that is a very good idea and I would have no problem giving a nurse a tip if he or she provided good service. When my family member was in the hospital, I became friendly with another...
  10. Nurses Not Answering Call Bells

    I travel on business several times a year and the hotels are usually less than $200 per day. In contrast, the typical hospital room costs around $1,000 per day not including all the extras. I am not...
  11. Psychiatric Patients in ER

    > Several posters have asked me whether I think it would be all right to let someone expressing suicidal ideation leave the ER, even if they went on to commit suicide. My answer to their questions...
  12. Psychiatric Patients in ER

    > Yes, you did. Please re-read my post. I described situations where a psych patient expressing suicidal ideation tries to leave the ER without being evaluated. Even if they peacefully get up to...
  13. One Nurse's Vision: No One Dies Alone

    > Good example of health care workers and uncaring families. When my cat was dying of a stroke, the vet and a nurse were there along with me and my mother (and this animal hospital was very busy,...
  14. Psychiatric Patients in ER

    > There is a HUGE difference between legitimate suffering from existential anguish, as seen in people with the Axis II personality disorders, versus people who are nuts because of a biological...
  15. Psychiatric Patients in ER

    A few years ago I went on an architecture tour of the new Hospital Where Patients Come First, and our guide pointed out two orange padded cells in the ER for the psychiatric patients. We sure have...