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All Content by i<3u

  1. OB nursing...I just don't get it.

    @sirI---Thank you! The whole time I was thinking, "Maybe it's just me" (about the fact that I feel as if OB seems all over the place). I think that is really amazing that you hated OB and ended up being an OB-GYN NP!
  2. OB nursing...I just don't get it.

    I would like to thank everyone for their feedback and encouragement. It really means a lot to me! I've spent most of my time studying OB this weekend and I plan to use the online study aids, as well. I know that nursing school isn't meant to be super...
  3. OB nursing...I just don't get it.

    It's the subject matter. I guess part of it is because I've never had any children...I don't know. The other part is probably because I'm so concerned/frustrated with it not being interesting that when I'm studying the material, I'm not as motivated ...
  4. Feeling lost and discouraged in clinical....

    I'm in the same boat as you. I get discouraged seeing students that have that CNA experience breeze through those skills. I think, "Wow, will I ever be able to complete those tasks with ease?". When I do feel that way, I'll ask those students or the ...
  5. I've received a 'W' in Microbiology d/t a registration confusion. At first, I was concerned about it being on my transcript. I was able to retake the course and I passed with a 'B' (I think that was in 2010). This past fall semester, I was accepted i...
  6. Taking this semester off...What do I do?

    They won't necessarily "delete" your grades, but they usually don't accept/transfer any grade below a 'C'. However, when you apply to the nursing programs, they will definitely include those past grades (usually the highest score). So, if you did get...
  7. Do YOU enjoy nursing school?

    overall, i enjoy nursing school! like the other posters said, you'll have late nights/early mornings (i am a night person, so the early mornings are the worst), a lot of paperwork, and a great amount of studying. i don't mind the studying because i a...
  8. I know nothing!!

    wow, i thought i was the only person that felt this way about assessments! i have to mentally go through the points that i usually miss in assessments, so that i won't miss them again. i end up missing something anyway...urgh! why do i feel like i do...
  9. I agree about "reading into the question". So many of us did that in my Fundamentals class and 9x out of 10, we got the question wrong.
  10. what are you doing during the break?

    -Catching up on sleep -Actually catch up w/ my friends -1st dat in a while this weekend -(Like on of the other posters mentioned) I will grow and paint my nails lol -Party -Sleep -Sleep -Catch up on my guilty pleasure tv shows -Hit the gym...hopeful...
  11. How long did you lurk before you joined?

    Maybe a year or two
  12. First Semester of Nursing School

    Haha, I had my last clinical last week. My final exam is tomorrow and I was finally able to shave my legs over the weekend! It's funny because I will finally have time to talk to my friends on the phone. Usually, I can't answer their calls at all or ...
  13. So all that time everyone was telling me that I wouldn't have a life during my first year of nursing school, I kind of wish I paid them no mind The first semester is coming to a close and I'm starting to regret quitting my job to focus solely on nur...
  14. Who actually ENJOYS clinical?

    Although I get really nervous before clinical, I really enjoy it. I learn something new every minute! Now the paperwork....that's another story. Don't get me wrong I see how the paperwork ties into the care we provide & how to think further but ...
  15. Hi everyone!!! I just started the LPN program but I plan to continue/bridge on into the RN portion of the program as soon as I finish my first year. I have the option of getting my LPN license and working as an LPN, while finishing my last year or no...
  16. If you were me, would you...

    Great idea! So when you said that I had a chance to prove myself "now", did you mean in clinical or when I am working as a PCT?
  17. If you were me, would you...

    thank you sooooo much grntea! you're post means a lot! i see that you have experience in the fields that i am interested in and your advice makes a lot of sense. i plan to work on my resume over the next few months, since i'll be able to get my cna l...
  18. If you were me, would you...

    Yes, that's what I was thinking too! I would at least like to work part-time for the experience. I find myself so nervous on the floor at clinical and look at the student with the CNA experience who's at ease throughout the experience. I think to mys...
  19. If you were me, would you...

    Thank you both for your responses! I really don't have to work (I live with my mom and two younger siblings, rent/utilities free) but I just don't feel comfortable being idle. I've been working since I was 15 and I don't want to graduate and employer...
  20. There's like eight people in our clinical group and I just LOVE how we come together like a big family !! I know, that was random lol...
  21. Oh, and our clinical instructor was there to guide us, answer questions, etc. Plus, we had a RN mentor that helped us (she was amazing...I wish she could be there during every clinical!) We weren't expected to be perfect, but be accountable for what ...
  22. I'm not sure of how your program does it, but we were paired up on our first day. There was very little we could do besides vital signs, bed baths, and transferring (because that's pretty much all we've checked off for in skills lab so far). However,...
  23. Whew! Glad that's over!

    Great job! I took my exam on Wednesday. My classmates and I had been stalking the Blackboard site since then . I made a 'B' (87)...two points away from an 'A' (urgh)! I was sooooo happy seeing that all that studying and hard work paid off! Good luck ...
  24. I was told that we would learn this on the job. Is this true?
  25. Yes, I totally agree. I just always assumed that we learned how to start IVs in the program but one of my classmates asked the lab instructor and told us that that is something we'd have to learn on the job (or take a phlebotomy course). Maybe, she w...