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About precious01

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  1. Are you a nurse who writes for a living?

    What genre do you enjoy the most? What are your books
  2. Legal Nurse Consultant (LNC): FAQ

    Thank you for your quick response, I appreciate your feedback. What state are you working from and have you gone national yet? I am located in the state of Utah and as of yet, have not met any...
  3. Exploring other options outside of floor nursing and need some advice. I want to work from home and thought this may be one option. Are you a nurse writer? How do you enjoy what you do? Who do you...
  4. Legal Nurse Consultant (LNC): FAQ

    Thank you for sharing your experience. I have several questions on being a Legal Nurse Consultant. First, what experience and how much experience should one have in nursing in order to venture into...
  5. RN's how much do you make here in Utah?

    Are you at a hospital or assisted living
  6. I am studying for the NCLEX-RN and have taken a break from working until I get my RN license. However, I don't want my LPN license to lapse. I have been inactive for a long time and don't know the...
  7. RN-NCLEX One more time. HELP, need study tips.

    It counts, what did you do to pass the RN and how long ago did you take it? Did you work and study or did you just focus on the test? Thank you for your previous reply. Hope to hear from you
  8. Thank you Debbie for your inspirational story!!! Congratulations, you definitely earned your RN license!! What made the difference in your last test? What did you use to study? You mentioned Hurst...
  9. Has anyone been out of school more than 3 to 10 years and successfully passed the NCLEX on your own. I have taken a break from nursing and have decided to return. What is the best source to use? I...
  10. I am thinking of pursing a law degree and working with healthcare legislation or some other area of medical law. Just wondering if any of you are or know of nurses who have become lawyers. How are...
  11. Need advice on the best approach to prepare for the RN boards after graduating over 10 years ago. I am having difficulty recalling a lot of the information I learned in school. I have a BSN and...
  12. This Is How To Pass The Nclex!!!

    Congratulations on your success. Thank you for the information, I will follow-up on it. I have a couple of questions for you: Did you study at all from the Saunders Comprehensive book? How long...
  13. New York State allows only 2 retakes of the Nclex

    Thank you Silverdragon102, will
  14. New York State allows only 2 retakes of the Nclex

    Okay, I checked. They now tell me it is based on approval and it is a wait of 90 days for second time
  15. New York State allows only 2 retakes of the Nclex

    What did you do different the third