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About missymis86

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  1. It's pretty bad even for BSN.. I had my LPN for 4 years prior to getting my RN and I thought that would help.. It didn't at ALL in this market. I would suggest applying everywhere but at nursing...
  2. Agency Legal Contracts

    Hey Attuma0000 I tried to send you a private message and it said your inbox is full and can't receive messages at this
  3. *Pay at Aetna- Details on job*

    Could anyone give me some insight on working for Aetna? Im interested in pay, job satisfaction, flexibility, a day on the job, etc. I'm interested in jobs like Case management, Utilization Review...
  4. Agency Legal Contracts

    Ok great! I think there is some sort of buy out but the hospital wouldn't have to orient me or anything.. So they'd be saving money in that sense. I think they can hire me it's just dependent on the...
  5. Agency Legal Contracts

    amoLucia do companies often "buy out" a nurse? I'm in a similar situation, I work agency and would like to work for a hospital that I have already been oriented on. Do you know anything about this or...
  6. You're right. I should've said, they could hire a new RN with nursing (LPN) experience at the new grad rate knowing that they have some nursing background and have succeeded at being a nurse. So not...
  7. Does anyone know if Reading or Allentown areas are more promising? I'm definitely ok with driving an hour for a hospital job and
  8. Hey kiszi, A lot of the online apps given an area where you can type experiences and qualifications so I've been trying to write a short to the point paragraph about how I've already had experience...
  9. I completely understand that. It just sucks cause I've worked so hard to finally have my RN (plus moving 3 states while completing it) and now in the area I'm in they're telling me that's not good...
  10. My husband got a fantastic job up here. We may move back south if things don't start looking better. It's always who you know, even in not so saturated market. that is why I networked with as many...
  11. Okay, I've gotta vent. I've recently graduated from RN school, taken my boards and I'm officially an RN. Before completeing my RN I was an LPN for over 3 years. I've also recently moved from Nashville...
  12. This is a long shot but I was writing to inquire about RN jobs at Main line health. On the job postings it says, diploma, associate or bsn degrees. Bsn preferred. Does anyon have any info formation...
  13. How to get through HR

    Hey everyone! I'm a new grad RN with past healthcare experience as a CNA and LPN. I would've thought I wouldn't have had a problem getting a call back or interview as a new grad and I haven't gotten...
  14. Suburbs of Philly ~ I need a FT job!!

    Hahaha. Thats great. Has anyone gone to the hospital and asked to speak to the nurse recruiter or manager? I cannot find anyones email! Not sure if going to the hospital would be to forward... Being...