Forever Sunshine ASN, RN


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All Content by Forever Sunshine

  1. Last night I got my head bitten off by an on-call MD who has a reputation for being rude. I got to thinking today. Would it be possible for me to report him at least to the DON of the facility? I...
  2. Forever Sunshine

    Depressed on night shift

    More recently in the past month, I have become more and more depressed and anxious. I dread going to work and it is about nothing in particular. I think it is working night shift and not having a...
  3. Forever Sunshine

    Depressed on night shift

    I do sleep during the day time, but on my nights off I find it difficult to keep that pattern. Nights just isn't working for my body. When I'm home I'm always tired. Noise/light isnt the problem and...
  4. Forever Sunshine

    Crushing Oral Medications...New Regulation

    I can't. I just ... I can't. If anyone agrees with this horrific practice... please do a medpass in LONG TERM CARE. You will change your mindset after the first resident with crushed meds. And make...
  5. Forever Sunshine

    CNA's not completing assignment. Vent.

    I just worked an overnight shift and it was my first night being the only LPN on the unit. When it comes to CNA's I trust them to complete their assignment without any nagging. Well they kinda changed...
  6. Forever Sunshine

    Infamous PVT

    yay congrats to you! what a wonderful
  7. Forever Sunshine

    Infamous PVT

    I passed!! How did you do! .. Note the new credentials next to my
  8. Forever Sunshine

    Infamous PVT

    I took the NCLEX RN yesterday in NY. I had 95 questions and then the research screen started with what seemed like a million questions(it was about 20 lol). I did the PVT about 100 times yesterday lol...
  9. Forever Sunshine

    Pearson Vue Trick NCLEX RN 2017 265 Questions Wisconsin

    Just took.. NCLEX RN shut off at 95 questions.. got the hold pop. Not sure if thats good or
  10. Forever Sunshine

    Patient refusing meds, combative

    I wish you the best with combative and agitated patients. Chocolate + Xanax
  11. Forever Sunshine

    Re-eval orders

    hahahhaha unit secretary.... lol lolol lol. Best way we get this done is on a separate calendar like one of those big desk calendars. If you must put re-eval in the MAR is there a way to make the...
  12. Forever Sunshine

    Nurses Notes(What do I write??)

    Ok I am starting to get down WHEN to write a nurses note. But when I have to write a nurses note... I feel like I don't know what the hell to write lol. What are important details to mention in a...
  13. Forever Sunshine


    I know this is a school nursing post. I will butt in anyway.. I work in a nursing home. I was keeping an eye on a patient with dementia who was very agitated and despite her small size was very...
  14. Forever Sunshine

    How to know if air is the problem in a g tube?

    I had this issue with a couple G-tube patients. It is from gas pressure in the stomach. Neither had issues with residual and g-tube placement was in the right place. Gas it was. See if you can get...
  15. Forever Sunshine

    Pressure ulcers in "sensitive" areas?

    Another vote for Interdry in this
  16. Forever Sunshine


    Write what you see and know. Vitals, general appearance, med changes, appetite, pain level, comments on any wounds
  17. Forever Sunshine

    Holiday rotation

    I much prefer the list as I like a certain holiday off and I am willing to work the other two so others can have off but they insist on rotating them. For example if you had off Thanksgiving you will...
  18. Forever Sunshine

    Does your facility have 12 hour shifts or 8 hour shifts?

    8 hours. I wouldn't mind 12 hours and I actually suggested that when there was scheduling issues awhile back and was told, "We can't do that because if there were call-outs nobody would be able to...
  19. Forever Sunshine

    How many times will you ask me to stay over??

    I've been in your shoes many times. You have to put your foot down(professionally) and just flat out say no. I refuse to do double shifts.. it is UNSAFE for anyone to be passing meds for 16 hours....
  20. Forever Sunshine

    Reducing med pass distractions

    I am slow, (and not ashamed by it) and thorough with my med pass and if anyone tries to tell me I take too long.. I will simply say that the of the amount of medications, blood pressures, eye drops,...
  21. Forever Sunshine

    Doctors orders for the small stuff and third shift

    You really have to use your judgement with that. If its tylenol or minor bacitracin treatment, I don't see why you need to wake the doctor up. I would just put the order in but check their allergies...
  22. Forever Sunshine

    LTC emergency...sorry no meds today

    Emergencies trump med pass. Deal with the emergency then when its done, resume med pass. You can't not give the medications and you must tend to the
  23. Forever Sunshine

    Overhead Paging Banned

    Overhead paging is strongly frowned upon where I work. I rarely use it anyway, incase I really can't find the staff member who I am looking for or it is an
  24. Forever Sunshine

    Most Efficient FS Protocol

    It depends if I have 1-2 finger sticks I do them with the med pass and get them before the meal starts. But you said you have 5-6. Maybe go around and do those people first. Or get the fingerstick...
  25. Forever Sunshine

    Remaining professional with rude, disrespectful family members

    I'm sorry you had to go through this. But remember most of us have been in your shoes. Most likely, the family member who is yelling at you.. is not mad at you. They are mad at themselves, their...