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All Content by LeesG

  1. only in nursing school

    Only in Nursing School would you buy extra packs of socks and underwear for you and the children, so you would have to do less laundry, then you could study the 50 hrs of work in 6 hrs....but even though you failed the quiz...you didnt feel like a co...
  2. Hanging onto an extremely thin line right now.

    True, But also for me I realized that at anytime it could be me, with the tears in my eyes, leaving them, and my dreams of finishing school gone in a poof. Yes I could return, and I have seen many posts of people who have done that and did better ...
  3. Hanging onto an extremely thin line right now.

    I also stuggle at times with the motivation to study. The other day I saw the devestaion of not studying from the other side, I watched 3 of my class mates walk out of the math test, with tears in their eyes, they failed, and are unable to return to ...
  4. YES !!! Im only 7 weeks into NS and I have had to pick it up 3-4 times so far. Im glad I still have it. Funny thing is I have the same book as you. I used to think it was heavy and complained carrying it to class. I put it on the shelf at home last...
  5. boy issues in nursing school

    Is he pressuring you in some way ? Your post sounds like your really stressed over it, thats why I asked. If he is thats a diffrent issue...but if he just asked and that all...then just say NO...problem solved
  6. Anxiety: It's killing me!

    I would not quit, I would figure something out. Is there a city bus terminal in your area, not intercity transportatin but like Greyhound ? I know its early in the AM...arent there any other student going to the same clinical as you ? Is there a tea...
  7. I wouldnt do anything, unless another person saw her its your word against her's. I would be leary of her in the future as well. The info that she cheated on will catch up with her somewhere...and then she will realize you cant cut corners.
  8. Im a new ADN student also, about your age, and I was lucky enough to find 3 people, out of the 70 in the class, that I knew from A&P...thats it, I know nobody else, so I understand. We also do alot of self teaching and I'm struggling as well, but...
  9. Help with Histology

    This book saved my life !! I bought it used online in A&P 2 and I wish I would have had it in A&P 1... http://www.amazon.com/diFiores-Histology-Functional-Correlations-Lippincott/dp/0781770572
  10. Advice- Single Mom ASN student

    Im also a ADN Student and single mother of 3, 19 ( in college),16 and 7 yrs old. Although I am making ends meet with alot of budgeting , there have been times, like when I first was divorced when I felt just like you. Some things I did I cut the cab...
  11. I am only entering my 3rd week of NS and I can tell you that I am overwhelmed ! Its not that what i am reading is hard, its the amount of reading. I have reading for lecture, lab and clinical each week and it comes to about 15-20 chapters of info. Th...
  12. taking out a loan for school am I wrong

    Yeah !!! You have a plan, and now you will be able to devote your time to studying... soon enough you and I hopefully will be a ....then we can buy name brand chips and soda !!! Good Luck
  13. taking out a loan for school am I wrong

    Congrats !! I know people work alot and are successful at school but some cant. As I said before be very frugal with your money. When you first get it it is easy to spend on things you dont really need because its in the bank, and then its GONE and y...
  14. taking out a loan for school am I wrong

    I waitress Sat and Sun mornings from 8-2pm for grocery and gas money. For the rest of my living expenses I am taking a $4000 loan a semester to live off of, I also receive child support, not much, but every little bit helps. I am on an extremely t...
  15. Pregnancy and Nursing School

    When my sister was in LPN school she knew a girl who was pregnant and the rules for absence was NOT bent for her. I think they were aloud 1 missed clinical day for the semester. Lucky for the freind she has the baby I think on a Sat or Su...
  16. So its 2 weeks before school starts and my daughter pulls a Tiger Woods move at the miniature golf course and I end up with a CONCUSION !!!!!!!!! Yes !!!!!! straight in my forehead with the putt putt club !!! :crying2:I went to emergency and they sai...
  17. The timing could not be worse !!!!!!

    Thanks, I was so ready for school, I cant imagine walking in day 1 and asking for any special considerations, Im just going to pray that my lostness doesnt last too long. I saw lost because thats how I feel. Im fine for a few minutes and then I f...
  18. Missed my clinical day

    I have had this problem, more so when I was younger. But seriousley, If I was at risk of getting dismissed for oversleeping, I wouldnt buy a new alarm, I would buy 3 !!!!!! They are less than $10 at Walmart...I would place 1 on the head board, one on...
  19. I was talking to two students today that are about to enter Nursing 3 in the Fall, I am starting Nursing 1 ( of a 4 semester ADN Program). Their advise was 1. Dont work ( or work as little as possible) 2. Tape lectures and put them on CD 3. Study S...
  20. Scared

    Im nervous too, even more so since 9 of the required 12 books showed up at my door yesterday !!!!!!! I also have left my job full time and will only work 12 hrs a week, so failing is scary since I will have to find another full time job. Im also old...
  21. Tetanus Shot--Did yours hurt??

    YES...mine hurt... :cry:
  22. Netter's or Barron's Anatomy Flash Cards?

    I bought Netters flashcards, and I used them to study with my 7 year old. It was a good way to kill two birds with 1 stone, spending time with her and studying, but I also took pics from a camera in the lab, from the Profs screen and of Bones. It was...
  23. Pre Nursing with Kids along for the ride??

    OOOPPPSSS My son and I will be '11 grads....None the less it will be a busy May 2 years from now If I make it ....I know he will, he is smart as a whip
  24. Pre Nursing with Kids along for the ride??

    I havent started Clinicals yet, that will come August 24th. Right now I am finishing my Microbiology pre req at the CC and I am taking Soc online. The kids are mostly good but it is a juggling act. Right now for me to have a peaceful study time I loo...
  25. Pre Nursing with Kids along for the ride??

    I also have a very supportive significant other, he works at night though, so alot of the running around falls on my shoulders. Happymom, I also did alot of my pre reques online, but some have to be taken at school, and usually the older ones will w...