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  1. Fundamentals Test Review

    Can you recommend other NCLEX books.
  2. Fundamentals Test Review

    Hi I keep reading that we should do about 100 NCLEX questions a week, but where do you find that many questions? I have Saunders Comprehensive Review, Fundamentals Success, Test Success, and...
  3. Getting A's in Nursing school!!!

    That is awesome!! I am starting nursing classes in the fall. Would you mind sharing how you study or any tricks that you learned to help you get A's
  4. so tired all the time

    I would find a good
  5. Livescribe-Enabled Study Guide

    I love this pen!! I have a 40 minute ride to school. I listen to my lectures during the drive. The pen has great sound quality.
  6. Is A&P really the hardest of them all?

    I am taking both A&P and Micro with the same teacher, and I can say in our school, Micro IS harder. The test are more detailed.You have to do lab write ups for each lab in Micro plus reports...
  7. A&P1 and micro?

    I am taking A&P and Micro right now. We are 5 weeks into class and are having our first test. This test won't be so bad because you basically cover the same stuff in each class; chemistry,...
  8. I am 49 and have 3 years to finish my 2 year degree in nursing . This is my first semester back at a community college and I was so surprised how many older student there was. I would say that about...
  9. I have look at all the schools in my area and the Micro is the same time as my A&P2.
  10. Thank you every one who replied. It was the chair person of the department who told me that they don't allow anyone to take A&P2 and Micro. Also, I can't find an online class that offers labs on...
  11. My school said unless you have extensive work experience in micro they don't allow anyone to take both. All the schools near by offer micro the same time as my A&P 2 class I was thinking of...
  12. All About the NET

    Could someone tell me how much chemistry is included in the science portion of the NET:( Thanks