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  1. Tricks for pushing D50 and Insulin through a line?

    Personally, I will mix a little sterile water in with the D50 solution in order to make it easier to push in and cause D50 is so harsh on the
  2. The First Days of Nursing School by the Fall 2009ers!!!

    Awww...I am a third semester nursing student, but it is always nice to read about everyone's first day/semester in nursing school. Good luck to all of you guys and remember to hang on and enjoy the...
  3. Headed to South Alabama for Summer Term

    YAY....I am glad to hear that you guys made it through orientation and got your schedules. Can't wait til you guys start. Welcome to the USA Nursing
  4. Headed to South Alabama for Summer Term

    Wow, first let me say congrats to everyone who will be starting the nursing program in the summer. I am a current nursing student @ USA and I will say it is going to be hard and stressful, but also...
  5. EKG Lead Placement

    I have a question, more a debate. As an exercise physiologist, I was told by a fellow collague that if you have a patient with a pacemaker that you can place the lead on the patient's scapulae and...
  6. So I took my first nursing exam!

    Congrats on your first test. Keep up the good work!
  7. Mobile, AL Hospitals with Tuition Assistance

    I was re-reading my post and realized that was confusing. The first part I should have mentioned that is if you currently are working for Infirmary. The scholarship you are talking about "Infirmary...
  8. First Test

    Good luck to Animal1993 and Redy2BANURSE on your test. I am sure that you both will do really
  9. First Test

    Thanks everyone for the encouraging words! It really means a
  10. First Test

    Well, I had my first test today. It was not what I was expecting and I did not do as well as I thought I did (a D+) First, it was an electronic test in which you could not go back and review your...
  11. Mobile, AL Hospitals with Tuition Assistance

    Infirmary Health System will pay up to a certain amount for tuition reimbursement, however for each semester you receive the reimbursement you have to promise to work for the system one year. They...
  12. First day of nursing School *unleashed* post yours

    I am officially done with day two. I started to think "What the hell am I thinking." The schedules and syllabus are scary but as my co-worker said, "Take it one day at a time." and I shall. Lots...
  13. Spring 09 Hopefuls

    That is so awesome. Congratulations!
  14. Spring 09 Hopefuls

    ::clpty:: Congrats to Radmom, AZMONO2, and Plover1 for getting into your
  15. Spring 09 Hopefuls

    Thank you to everyone, this has been a great support system! I am so excited and a little nervous. And I am waiting to hear even more good news from everyone