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All Content by tillyrn2b

  1. *Vent* RN's make toast?!?!?!

    Seriously?!?! Your "vent"ing about this??!! Wow. It's toast. Pick your battles. I'm sure there are plenty more injustices being done to RN's than having to toast bread for your patient.
  2. LPN mistake??

    hey everyone Im full time as a tech at a local hospital working days and night and love everything about it. Recently i've started looking at LPN programs bc i can get through them in 12-15mo for $3000-$10000 with the eventual goal to be an RN. With...
  3. LPN mistake??

    Thanks everyone for your advice!! It's good to hear things from others perspective sometimes. :) Ive decided to attend the local community college and get my associates as an RN. Thanks again :)
  4. math help

    Hey I am terrible at math and really want to do well enough on nvcc's math placement, any hints? or helpful work books??
  5. LPN programs in Virginia

    Hello everyone I'm looking for any information on LPN programs in Va. I've googled alot and talked to some RNs that I work with but I'd like to hear from some current or past students. What programs are good? Accreditation? Where you went for cli...
  6. advice please: private lpn school or nvcc?

    Hey i had similar findings with nvcc and i work full time and have 2 kids. Ive been looking at a couple lpn programs in the area (monroe tech in leesburg, ffx co schools, and falls church co schools). Im still looking, but it would be nice to compar...
  7. Biology Spring 2010

    I have my first exam on monday and im kinda nervous. We took a 10 question quiz, which wasnt too bad and i did great on but im not so sure about the 50 question exam that covers 3 chapter. So far we've covered the organization of living things, atom...
  8. Pregnant in Nursing School....

    I am in pre nursing right now and 6 mo pregnant with my 2nd child. Ive wondered multiple times EVERY day how im gonna see the end when Ive passed everything and finally have my BSN. Reading your post has encouraged me alot! Seeing someone elses story...
  9. A Question to Nurses and Nursing Students.. HELP ME!

    Also try looking into volunteering as an EMT. Youll get exposure to injuries, diseases, and blood. And it cant hurt to have that kind of expirence :) Good luck!! You're gonna make a great nurse Where do you plan on going?
  10. VCU students

    Hi everyone I'm looking for someone to chat with either here, email, or on facebook who goes to VCU and is currently or has been accepted into the nursing program. I'm currently at NVCC in sterling VA getting the pre reqs/co reqs out of the way but I...
  11. VCU students

    Thanks! I guess right now im wondering how many classes is she taking per semester and how does she figure out which ones to take? How much homework is she getting?projects? I really have no clue what to expect at all, lol so im sorry if these questi...
  12. Anyone applying in 2011

    Hey Vintagemother! I'm doing the same thing with taking all the pre and co reqs then doing the clinicals. I also have 2 kids (expecting my 3rd in may) and im worried with how ill do with kids and the class load (3-4 classes is heavy to me). Let me kn...
  13. Anyone applying in 2011

    I'm applying for Fall 2012, hopefully. Are those the only pre reqs they require for you to enter the nursing program? I'm applying to VCU and need to have 41 credits to get in. My schedule will look something like this: Spring '10 Bio 101 Summer '10...
  14. NSNA...is it worth it??

    I'm still doing my prereqs, not applied anywhere yet (though i have VCU in mind:nuke:) is joining the NSNA (Nursing Student Association) worth it now? Or ever even? It's $30 plus state dues. Any input would be great!
  15. Jobs!!!!!

    I had my CNA cert but let it laps once i passed my EMTB test. Now im looking for a CNA job (out of convienance) and am looking for an employer who will hire based on my passed completion and work expirence. Or if they will get me recertified. Where d...
  16. NVCC pre-reqs spring 2010

    Hello Im slowly starting my pre-reqs for pre nursing at NVCC. I've signed up for Bio 101 and am looking for others to study with,that have any advice, or to just stay in touch with along the way through nvcc and when i transfer. Christina
  17. NVCC pre-reqs spring 2010

    I'm looking to transfer to VCU and am doing their pre reqs. I still have to do AP but at VCU it looks like they are two seperate classes.I think i also have to complete chem 101 and micro. Are you trying for NVCCs nursing?