math help



I am terrible at math and really want to do well enough on nvcc's math placement, any hints? or helpful work books??


Have you gone to the school and asked if there is a tutor?

Specializes in Critical Care.

hey there! i go to nvcc and im going to be taking my 3rd semester this fall (im done with math thank gawd!)... anyway, when i first took the placement test i did horrible with the math. my grade for the math portion was a 28%. i even tried studying for it, and i think it was obviously pointless. i was bad at math also, b/c i didnt pay attention in highschool and i had no idea how to do algebra. however, if i took the test now i'm sure i'd get at least a 90%...i would recommend not even studying for the math portion b/c if you aren't good at math at all, it's best you just take the 1st math class, which is math063, so you can understand fully,the basics. which u absolutely need imbedded in your head. you need to know, what math063 covers to even understand what you'll be taught in math095. and you deff need the knowledge from math063 and math095 to get a passing grade in math137. i had to begin in math063, and this summer i just finished math137. nvcc has an awesome math program and the tutoring center is great. the lowest grade i received out of all 3 of my math classes was a 92. and that's b/c i started from the very beginning! hope this helped:)

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