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About icesk8ie

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  1. getting pregnant and finding a job

    I don't know how difficult it will be to get a job, but just know that for most (or all, not sure) employers, you have to work for a year in order to have your job protected under the Family Medical...
  2. Southern Oregon pay rates?

    Hi! My future in-laws are moving to the Grants Pass area and are trying to entice us to move with the prospect of free rent and our own house on their property (pretty nice, eh?). The only problem I...
  3. question about the patch

    Actually, according to my doc, the high weight limit for the patch is 198 lbs, as it also says in the information packet. She doesn't recommend being over 190 or so, but it's okay according to her,...
  4. question about the patch

    Your period will continue as usual, as has been my experience with the patch.
  5. Sam Merritt vs. Univ. San Fran ELMSN?

    I don't know if you've considered it, but UCSF Master's Entry Program is very good. Their nursing school is #1 in the nation, I
  6. El Camino College - Torrance, CA

    I graduated from LBCC last May. If you want any info on them, PM me.
  7. oakland, california

    Oakland isn't so bad, if you live in the right area. I live in Berkeley, which is just north of Oakland, and I love it, but there are bad parts too. I just moved up here in July of this year and I...
  8. oakland, california

    Oakland isn't so bad, if you live in the right area. I live in Berkeley, which is just north of Oakland, and I love it, but there are bad parts too. I just moved up here in July of this year and I...
  9. Corrosive coworker - advice please!

    I thank you both for your advice. It is very difficult to be upfront with her as she is very set in her ways and doesn't listen to anyone. I also want to clarify that I am not leaving my job because...
  10. I am a new grad and have worked at my facility for approximately 6 months now. One of my coworkers I feel is just gunning for me to do something wrong. She is constantly telling me things that I...
  11. Oakland Kaiser or Alta Bates in Berkeley, Ca?

    Moondancer, Just PM'ed you a reply.
  12. Oakland Kaiser or Alta Bates in Berkeley, Ca?

    I've never worked at either, but when I was applying for jobs, I applied at Alta Bates. I was disgusted at how I was treated by the recruiter. She gave me the run-around, wouldn't answer certain...
  13. I told myself not to post this, BUT...

    I want to wish you good luck too. You're lucky you get to find out so soon. I took it on June 11th and don't get to find out for a while since the BRN doesn't have my transcripts and CA doesn't...
  14. Went on hospital tour...but....

    Rainbows, I don't know how it's going to work since I don't start for another month. I'm kind of wary about it, but I hope it will work. I like nights, but flip-flopping kinda sucks...
  15. Went on hospital tour...but....

    I just got hired on at UCSF Medical Center and we have the same policy. I think it's a UC thing. The way I was presented it is that I basically bid on when I do nights during a 6-month period. So,...