

Pediatric Intensive Care, Long Term care

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About KellRrn2b

KellRrn2b specializes in Pediatric Intensive Care, Long Term care.

I am a wife and the mommy of a beautiful 2 year old!!! My Goal is to be a CC Nurse!!!

Latest Activity

  1. OMG I'm PREGNANT...and a Nursing Student!!

    Thank you both for your responses!!!! Bedrest is my enemy!!! I must finish this semester. But, i agree...I have a lot to discuss with my
  2. Hey everyone, I just found today that I am about 5 weeks pregnant!!! I'm excited, but I'm freaking out as well. I only have one more semester of nursing school and I graduate July 1, 2011. I guess Im...
  3. Awesome deal for students - FREE Prime!

    thanks SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much. i signed
  4. WANTED: Nursing student tidbits of advice

    wow. Im soooo happy this thread has helped so many people. A year ago I started this thread right before I started nursing school. This thread meant the world to me. Nursing school has been hard....
  5. I am still in Shock!!

    CONGRATS!!!!! 1.) Enjoy your summer. Once school starts your life will be totally dedicated it. SERIOUSLY. Figure out all of the priorities in your life and come up with a plan to still tend to them...
  6. Time of the month in light colored scrubs

    I just wore darker underwear and made sure to have a pad on me at ALL times. Also, do frequent bathroom checks. So far Ive never had an accident. Not in that regard...I actually had a pen burst in my...
  7. Hands down. our Medical Surgical takes out mass
  8. Just accepted to nursing school, don't know what to do.

    I was just like you last summer before I started nursing school. I wanted to be prepared but to be honest NOTHING can really prepare you but experience. As someone above mentioned try to get a job as...
  9. And no...I thought I wanted to do pediatrics But I LOVE adult nursing
  10. So sorry Im just replying. Ive been on vacation to destress from TCC lol. I took a full load of credits and worked 36 hours the first semester and I was fine. But that is only because fundamentals was...
  11. Nursing School Drama queens

    Yes...nursing school DRAMA never
  12. I really CANNOT believe it

    Congrats congrats
  13. Where does your time go for school?

    Geesh I feel for you because I JUST went through the same thing. My last final was tuesday and all I could do is SLEEP! I too went to school fulltime, worked as a PCA in the PICU fulltime on 3rd...
  14. I Need Help With My Pharmacology Exam!

    I agree, The Davis Drug Guide helps alot. But since it is open book is there anyway you can put tabs on the different chapters...that way you can locate answers quickly. Just a thought. And make sure...
  15. PS Ive been at CCMHC for almost 2 years now. Which department do you work