MICU, Surgical Stepdown, CCU

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CCURN87 specializes in MICU, Surgical Stepdown, CCU.

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  1. Hi all, I'm thinking about leaving the current job that I'm at. I'm a new grad and I haven't made a year in the ICU that I work in, but I'm just not happy at this hospital anymore. Could I apply to another ICU at a different hospital or do I need t...
  2. I need some words of advice/encouragement

    Yea, this is my first job as an RN. I know some people can pass with flying colors inthe ICU starting out and some ppl need sometime and maybe need to start on the floor. I'm not afraid to admit if I am having difficulty. I'm not going to give up ...
  3. Hello everyone, I currently work in an MICU with the goal of becoming a CRNA. I have worked here for 8 months now, however, I have run into a few bumps in the road. I've made a few mistakes now and it seems as though everyone on my unit has lost tr...
  4. Hi all!! I'm very interested in applying to LSU for their CRNA program. I was wondering if anyone knew what it is like? What's a typical day like for you? How are your grades while in school? Looking for any and all information is welcomed!!
  5. I usually tell them. I started working as an RN when I was 21; I'm 22 now and have been working for almost 7 months now. It doesn't help that I look REALLy young. No kidding, alot of them think I'm between the ages of 12 and 16. Whenever I walk i...
  6. I don't want to sell myself short

    Hi all! So I am facing a little dilemma as to when I should go into CRNA school. I live in TX so my optimal choices are to stay in the south (preferably in TX or Louisiana - i have relatives in or nearby these states). I managed to land my first j...
  7. Hi there! I'm a very recent new grad and i work in a MICU. I am only 4 months into working and i've been off orientation close to a month now. The first 2 weeks of being "off orientation" i only had one patient or i had another nurse who also had ...
  8. thanks everyone for your information and support! Noise during the day doesn't bother me, i can sleep through a hurricane if you let me, so i don't think sleeping during the day will be a big problem. But as much as I would like to move out, i'm t...
  9. Babylady - that is correct as well, those with seniority have the option to move to days. caliotter3 - yea, i couldn't have my mom drive me to work lol, I'd have no way back home after i got off. I do also think i would be much safer at work at nigh...
  10. i think her concern is me being on an opposite schedule as everyone else. It's only me, her, and my dad in a household right now. i have a younger sister who's away at college, so i think the focus is on me right now. But i figure i'm only working...
  11. Hi! I am a new graduate in a MICU at my hospital. I signed up for nights becuase that was the only time available i could have for ICU, I don't mind though because I'm a night owl and I think it will faciliate my learning better since things maybe ...
  12. Good Experience for CRNA School

    Hi! I'm very interested in becoming a CRNA and I was wondering if my experience would measure up? I just started as a new grad in a teaching hospital in their MICU. Most of their patients are vented with drips with Diprivan, Dopamine, Primacor, Ne...
  13. I had a friend tell me that her interview was cancelled, as were others. So they are notgoing to have a GN program, period??? What about those that already had an interview?
  14. Cvicu,cvrr, Cicu, Ccu

    Hi all you cardiac nurses! I am curious as to what exact unit you work on in the hospitals you are at. I am very interested in becoming a cardiac nurse and eventually want to go into CRNA school. I'm currently working in a CICU as an extern/intern...
  15. Hi i'm studying for the HESI/Evolve Exam right now. I currently have the previous edition of the HESI study guide (the brown and green one). The latest edition of the book was renamed to Evolve. Is there a major difference between these two books? Th...