Cardiac Care

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AZMOMO2 specializes in Cardiac Care.

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  1. Proud Part-Time Baby Sitter

    I have a 9 year old daughter who receives nursing care, I’m an RN as well mind you. Our daughter has a trach, LTV vent, straight cath twice a day, gtube, nebulizer, CPT vest, mist collar when...
  2. Is my (50K) BSN worthless?

    Community College may have continuing Ed classes that could help you gain skills. BTW I am very disappointed for you about your school’s utter lack of clinical preparation. You paid for an...
  3. Gateway Community College Block 3 RN GWCC Program

    1 semester each Block. Semester is 4 monthsish. Unless you do the accelerated and then then are 8 weeks or so. If I remember correctly. It's been awhile
  4. Whats the normal intake and output for a 5 wk old?

    Well your ratio is acceptable... although at 9 1/2 lbs? No way would 2 oz in 10 hours be enough... do you mean 4.42lbs? Then yes that would be
  5. Tips for a new lpn a a LTC Facility

    Do not be too hard on yourself... as you learn the patients and the meds you will get faster. The important thing is to get it right.I was an LPN in LTC and had 30 residents with two main med passes...
  6. Whats the normal intake and output for a 5 wk old?

    Depends on the size (weight) of the 5 week old. Is this a typical child, a premie, or micro premie? Was this for 24h or just the time you were there? How long was your
  7. Stuck because of videos

    Oh thank God I thought we had to do the whole thing by memory like we did first semester in Nursing School! LOL Ok so two weeks of a break between old job and new job and I will knock this out. Then I...
  8. My computer is special... apparently it hasn't gotten that concept, because I do :-( My toys when I was a kid= dolls and things I could fabricate into...
  9. I was going along like gangbusters in this program and loving it. Then LUT 1 (Communications) and the record yourself portion and write a script, followed by the C349 (Health Assessment) record...
  10. ok I will answer this... but first... how do you make paragraph
  11. Depends on if you already have a job? If you do wait at least a year because you will need all of the brain power to learn everything you need to know to transition from student to actually being a...
  12. moving to Phoenix az

    There is at this time a more than two year waiting period for the RN programs at the Community Colleges in Phoenix. After you complete the list of pre and co required courses you can apply to get on...
  13. Congrats to you! I just accepted a position in a Cardiac Care Unit and am pretty excited and freaked out. My orientation starts Dec 8th.My career has progressed from LPN working LTC to Peds Homecare,...
  14. help with cardiac system!

    youtube Conrad Fischer videos! awesome content for Nursing School cardiology exams! Taught for doctors trying to pass their boards but it was the exact content taught in my nursing school and I aced...
  15. I had to log out and then log back in and my scored showed