Updated: Mar 11 Published Nov 18, 2014
1,194 Posts
I was going along like gangbusters in this program and loving it. Then LUT 1 (Communications) and the record yourself portion and write a script, followed by the C349 (Health Assessment) record yourself portion. The rest of it DONE.... why on earth am I having issues with this? Because I have a phobia of the camera ? Dumb and dumber.... anyone else have issues with this? (Mind you at this point I have completed 15 CU since Oct 1 so I am not behind at least)
TheCommuter, BSN, RN
102 Articles; 27,612 Posts
I, too, have always had a sense of stage fright. However, the TaskStream graders for the health assessment video were very lenient and I received a passig score, even with the multiple stutters and fumbles.
569 Posts
Yes. I put the health assessment video off until the very last minute, and that was the only thing preventing me from accelerating several classes in my first semester.
But I agree, they're pretty lenient. You can miss 11 items entirely and still pass. You don't have to try to do it from memory - you can use notes as long as you're not reading from them constantly. In taskstream you'll find the grader checklist. Print it out, stick it on a clipboard, and use it as a guide for your video and a place to write your findings. If something isn't included on the checklist, they aren't looking for it and you don't have to do it.
If it doesn't pass, you can just do a second video for parts that you missed rather than doing the whole thing over and possibly introducing new mistakes (unless it was a global problem like not being able to see or hear you).
I don't know about LUT1 since I didn't have to take that.
175 Posts
I start 12/1 cant wait! But what I wanted to ask was how did you do this assess as far as recording did you have someone recording you the entire time? Just curious because soon enough I will have to do this course :) Thank you !
I didn't have a cameraman, just set up the camera somewhere that had a good view, then adjusted it as necessary, like when the "patient" has to get up and walk around.
did you do this assess as far as recording did you have someone recording you the entire time?
I read off my prepared script the entire time so I'd know what to say and do. This helped alleviate some of my stage fright. I had to get 71 out of 88 assessment skills correct to pass, and ended up getting 81 of 88 possible points. I skipped some time-consuming skills because you do not need to do everything on their list to pass.
Oh thank God I thought we had to do the whole thing by memory like we did first semester in Nursing School! LOL Ok so two weeks of a break between old job and new job and I will knock this out. Then I can move onto my last three classes Stats and Community Health (now that the ATI test can be proctored) and then it's onto the MSN portion! Does anyone know which three classes are the three that = the BSN degree completion?