

Cardiac surgery and percutaneous interve

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All Content by alc4522

  1. Praying with your patient

    I have worked in a cardiac ICU/Step down for 5 years and I have been asked to pray with a lot of patients in that time frame. I am atheist and tell the patient that I am uncomfortable with that and I would be happy to find a chaplain to assist in pra...
  2. Hey everyone! I was looking into starting an RN to BSN to MSN program. I am a new RN and was wanting to start my BSN in the fall and came across one of the masters programs... I was wondering if anyone had enrolled in anything like that and how labo...
  3. Help answering questions on Nursing tests...

    I just graduated a couple months ago and was struggling with my tests! Granted some of it was the style of the questions in nursing and I did the ABCs, maslow, and all of that, i knew the info like the back of my hand and I still couldn't pass- i did...
  4. Funniest thing a confused pt. has told you...

    just thought of another crazy one-- I worked in cardiac surgery and an old man was in and out of confusion all night... when the nurse checked on him he was sleeping- about an hour later, the cops called to make sure everything was okay- the patient...
  5. Funniest thing a confused pt. has told you...

    These stories are absolutely hilarious! I worked in Cardiac surgery and we had a patient once with a long list of psych history... she had wigs she wore for her different moods and personalities- if she wore her braids- don't mess with her! She had ...
  6. Thesis Survey!

    good luck on your thesis!
  7. Hey- I took NCLEX on Monday and still waiting for results, but I feel awful!!! I have been crying for days, Im a mess! I took 75 questions and the whole time i was saying "please don't shut off at 75 cause that means I just failed this test cause I d...
  8. Anyone taken 75 questions and only use kaplan and fail?

    Thanks to everyone who responded! I found out this morning that I PASSED!!!!! I have no idea how it happened or what the state board was thinking and I have no idea how 75 questions can measure competency, but it did and thank God! I wish everyone lu...
  9. Anyone taken 75 questions and only use kaplan and fail?

    Thank you so much for the encouragement! I started really reviewing the kaplan at about jan 10, it was when i registered to take the exam.... and i actually without even realizing was doing about 200-300 questions a day! I would do qbanks with 5, 10,...
  10. i'm nervous

    Hey- I just took the NCLEX on Monday, so I have no results yet... I only did Kaplan review, I took the class, did the trainers and did 94% of the qbank. my scores were not good... 50-60's every once in a while I would get a 70-80. The computer shut o...
  11. i'm nervous

    Hey- I just took the NCLEX on Monday and still don't knw my results, but I only did the Kaplan review. I did 94%of the qbank and all of the trainers and I took the class. The questions on the test were very very similar to the questions on Kaplan... ...