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All Content by ladycrafter14

  1. Chancellor's VS College Network

    First of all... does anyone recommend either? If so which? Where would you recommend purchasing. I'm looking to share if anyone wants to. I have a few pre-rec study guides from the college network.
  2. Poll for EC practice exam takers

    What did you use to study for A & P?
  3. New Excelsior Curriculum vs Old Help!

    I just learned you have to enroll if you want to be able to view the content guides for anything beyond essentials safety and essentials health differences. Once you enroll you are able to view all the essentials, and Old Nursing Concept content gui...
  4. New Excelsior Curriculum vs Old Help!

    I didn't enroll until December 2007 so I'm part of the new curriculum. I have some of the Nursing Concepts from the college network. Is anyone in the new curriculum using the old stuff to study from??? I really don't want to buy all new stuff. He...
  5. I have seen people taking the exams out of sequence... it this the way to go and what does anyone reccommend for the easiest sequence??? I'm taking NC1 this week.
  6. Excelsior Nursing Concepts Exam Order???

    Studygroup101 notes from Ebay... it all looked like a lot of review for me so I didn't buy much.
  7. 4 NCs This Month! Can I do it?

    Can you guys tell me why you aren't taking the nursing concept exams in order??? I'm going to take the first one Thursday. Would anyone say it is hard or not? What should I expect?
  8. Has Anyone Taken Lifespan Psychology Online?! Where?!

    When you test out you get 3 credits for it, same as if you actually went to class weekly for a semester or took it online. After you pass the exam Excelsior sends your transcript to your school and it is just like a transferred credit class. You do...
  9. Has Anyone Taken Lifespan Psychology Online?! Where?!

    You can test out with the Lifespan Developmental Psych Excelsior College Exam or use the Growth and Development CLEP exam. Either one of those should easily fulfill that requirement. The CLEP is cheaper but it isn't call Lifespand Developmental Psy...
  10. Excelsior Lifespan Psych Exam Help!

    I'm getting ready to take my first Excelsior College Exam. For some reason I chose Lifespan. Anyone have any study suggestions as far as what to expect or what to know? I'm really nervous b/c after paying to take the exam I can't fail.:uhoh21:
  11. Where do I go from here with EC?

    How long ago was your last LPN class?
  12. Where do I go from here with EC?

    So did you have a structure and function class or something? I will wet my pants if they don't make me have it.