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About smak60

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  1. I know that phelobotimist work in hospitals....but how is it really legal for the MA to draw blood in a pts home??? I mean ...i would have thought you would have to be from a home health
  2. Is it legal for a certified medical assistant to draw blood on a pt in their home??? I work at a doctors office. the Pt had been at the office a couple of days earlier to see the dr...well ...blood...
  3. NCLEX-PN help

    I took the nclex in 2008. I made the appt for the test at a time that was good for me....what I you do better in the am or I am not an early the appt was for 11:30am....
  4. LTC

    Does any one work at a LTC on 3rd shift??? I was wondering what its like to work 3 rd shift at a LTC. I like working nights...i worked in a different career ... but would like to switch from...
  5. Omg omg i passed nclex

  6. I am a Lpn. I work in a dr office. There are 4 other MAs. When pts call the office; and they want to talk to a "nurse" 9 times out of 10 they are talking to the does the pt really...
  7. I took nclexpn in Feb2008; and I passed. I believe what really helped me was being CALM. I made my appointment at 11:30am; on a Friday. That way I was able to get up and eat my breakfast and have...
  8. I started working in a drs office. They are teaching me to do blood draws. Which I am thrilled to do!!! The problem is my hands shake. I know I am somewhat nervous...but I worry its more than...
  9. LPN Starting Salary

    What type of facility do you work
  10. okay did I do

    At the dr office that I work, I do vitals; assessments for why they are seeing the dr; etc, I do strep tests, urine test; pregnancy tests; I give immunizations; allergy shots; all the shots you can...
  11. okay did I do

    Have you thought about going thru a temp service??? I was working at an ALF and I wanted to work in a Dr office because I wanted to work 8-5p so I signed up started working at a Dr office and now...
  12. I am about to quit nursing completely

    Have you looked into working thru a temp service?? I was working at an assisted living when a fellow classmate told me about another classmate who went to Staffmark. She finally got hired on at a Dr...
  13. Assisted Living

    where I had been working it was
  14. Assisted Living

    I live in a rural area....small they say 14.00hr is good. I just hope I can get hired on ..for good. At least I am getting the experience...that makes me happy..because alot of drs offices...
  15. Assisted Living

    I have worked at an AL since April...the ratio is 1 to 39 residents. 8 of them self med. so ...really its easy.... its just ...that I have had to deal with calling 911 because of falls ...I work the...