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About willow75

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  1. took nclex....please help me!

    well dont worry, im sure you passed too. the hardest part is waiting! but you will get your results soon and you will see the wonderful words "passed". after i took my test i too felt a little like...
  2. took nclex....please help me!

    no my envelope was a thin white envelope but the envelope was big. i found out on
  3. took nclex....please help me!

    thanks to all you guys here. what a wonderful support team/system!!!
  4. I passed..YAY!!

    thanks to everyone here for the congrats towards me. and congrats to everyone here who has also passed! congrats
  5. I passed..YAY!!

    can you believe it that i passed, i am officially a LVN. i studied so hard and i did it, it finally got that letter and opened it up and seent the wonderful words.............HAS PASSED! thanks to all...
  6. took nclex....please help me!

    :lol2:I have passed!!!! YAY!!! I have passed the state
  7. notes!!!!!!!!!!!!

    :Dplease send me the notes to
  8. jobs in cali with no exp

    i have been searching online for lvn/lpn jobs in northern cali (preferably outpatient care, clinics or doctors offices) im a new grad and most jobs want you to have at least a years exp. has anyone...
  9. took nclex....please help me!

    i used kaplan booknd kaplan q-bank, frys 3300, and mosby book and cd so hope it
  10. took nclex....please help me!

    i took my test on the 15th of feb and got no math, no drag and drop, no hot spots, and one exihibit. oh and tons of select all that apply. my computer shut off at 85 and all my other classmates had...
  11. took nclex....please help me!

    thanks for the comforting
  12. took nclex....please help me!

    thanks for the comforting words. i too live in cali so that makes things even worse ya know. but ill be praying for all of you as
  13. hello everyone, im so new to this whole site, but must say the support here is amazine and i could really use some right about now. i took my nclex on the 15 of feb and my computer shut off at 85...