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About nurseontheway

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  1. New Case Manager

    I am a new case manager and am really overwhelmed. I never realized that there were so many moving parts to discharge planning. I work with a helpful group of people but they have their own case load....
  2. Inpatient rehab unit

  3. Inpatient rehab unit

    I have never worked on an inpatient rehab unit before. Is this similar to a med/surg floor? Is this a recommended prn
  4. Working with a vindictive coworker

    I'm sorry for the late reply. I'm certainly not trying to wear a cape. I had to report the person because they crossed out some documentation on charting and said that I hadn't given a medication when...
  5. Working with a vindictive coworker

    How do you protect yourself from a vindictive coworker? I am a nurse and there is a technician that is falsifying documentation on legal documents. They have been reported but the issue wasn't...
  6. Patient abandonment?

  7. Patient abandonment?

    If a technician is assigned to a group of patients and just leaves in the middle of their shift without permission is this considered patient abandonment? Does it depend on the state that you live in...
  8. Pros, Cons, Salary In Agency Nursing

    I have never worked as an agency nurse before. Are you expected to just jump in when you get to the facility? Are you usually given a tour of the facility or does that vary by location? I have been a...
  9. I would like to get my Master's degree but am undecided on what to choose. I have thought about education but have also considered informatics. At this point in my career I am still happy taking care...
  10. Punched by a patient

    If you are punched by a patient do you have any rights? Is that grounds for someone to be discharged from a
  11. Switching floors

    I work at night and requested to switch floors so I can work days instead of nights. I am not functioning well on nights. However I would be switching from a stepdown ICU to a med/surg floor which...
  12. Not adjusting to night shift

    I am a full time nurse. I am not going to

    I think the opportunity for different specialties will come regardless of your choice. I also support the shorter commute and smaller ratio of patients. The key is getting hospital experience and then...
  14. Not adjusting to night shift

    I can't stay up all night when I am off. It is just against the norm. I tend to sleep around midnight and have to take long acting melatonin to stay asleep. Even then I find myself waking up early and...
  15. Quit GN Residency or Commute 2 hours

    It is a great opportunity but your quality of life will be greatly effected if you have to commute four hours a day. I commute around 50 minutes a day and it is more than enough. I would start...