I would start off by reading the 'sticky' thread at the top of this forum called "How to be a CRNA FAQ" (or something like that). It will answer a lot of your questions. You are likely to get a...
No, it has to be ICU. Check with the school you're interested to be sure, but you won't get the experience with vents, drips or other equipment in an intermediate care unit that you will in
I didn't take it online, I am taking it in person. It is difficult in as much as it is a graduate level Advanced Pathophysiology, but it is not impossible. I prefer to take my sciences in person...
It is impossible to work full-time while in CRNA school. The general consensus is that it is not really possible or a good idea to work at all. Have you looked at the stickies in the CRNA and...
Did you mean to post this here? I'm not sure why CRNAs would know anything about PA school. You could try looking here http://www.aapa.org/pgmlist.php3 to see if that
Sure, Raas. My undergrad GPA overall is 3.13, nursing 3.43. I have 12 credits of graduate nursing classes with a 4.0. GRE 1360 (760 math, 600 verbal) 4.0 writing. I have 5 years ICU experience (6...
Hey, MICU, I guess we'll be in the same classes next quarter. I just met with my advisor yesterday and registered. Pegleg, I sent you an email a couple of days ago; not sure if you got it. In case...
Congratulations! I'm not taking classes now, but I plan to take pathophys and physiology in the winter. Are you guys from the Chicago area? Do you work around
What?! I'm assuming they calculated it higher than it really was? That sucks. The admissions committee met yesterday, so now I'm (im)patiently waiting for a letter. Sorry that happened to
I know someone on another board has already received a date for an interview. I'm still running to the mailbox every day. When I emailed a couple of weeks ago, they said interviews were from October...
I believe all three schools I applied to provide a small stipend during clinicals. It is paid by the school, not the clinical site, and there is no commitment involved. It is considered taxable...