

neuro/ortho med surge 4

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About sistasoul

sistasoul specializes in neuro/ortho med surge 4.

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  1. new role consideration

    For those who have worked as an ACT nurse was it stressful? Was there a lot of driving in the community served? Considering this role. Thank you. 3 hours
  2. ACT nurse

    For those who have worked as an ACT nurse was it stressful? Was there a lot of driving in the community served? Considering this role. Thank
  3. chemo infusion nursing

    What is the most stressful part of this job? And will I be on my feet the entire shift? I am now so that is
  4. chemo infusion nursing

    Are there any resources I can study before I start? I start on 8/26. This is an aside question. I live in the northeast. Does the chemo center ever close for snowstorms? I hate driving in them!!...
  5. chemo infusion nursing

    Hi all, I am hopefully going to be starting a new chemo infusion job soon. Just waiting on reference checks and other clearances. I will be brand new to this. How does everyone like it? What are...
  6. Hi all I have an initial phone interview for a psych nurse position in a hospital. The patients will be located in a portion of the emergency room. I have not done psych nursing other than what I...
  7. New school nurse

    Hi everyone, what is the most stressful part of school nursing? Do school nurses have to take care of kids with trachs if they do not have their own one on one
  8. You will be a good nurse because you care about making mistakes. You are conscientious. Honestly, if you can, talk to a therapist about this. It sounds like you have a lot of anxiety stuff going on as...
  9. Assisted living to med surge

    I am going back to a medical surgical unit after being out of a hospital environment since 2015. Worked a lot in assisted living since then. So completely bored. It is the hospital I worked at before....
  10. Am I crazy?

    I am going back to a medical surgical unit after being out of a hospital environment since 2015. Worked a lot in assisted living since then. So completely bored. It is the hospital I worked at before....
  11. Hi all, I have been out of hospital nursing for three years and would like to get back into it. I miss the learning and the patient care. What are my chances do you think? I have 5 years of medical...
  12. interview help

    Hi all, I am interviewing this coming Tuesday for a Prior Auth nurse position. I really hope to get this job as I am burned out on floor nursing. Has anyone interviewed for a prior authorization...
  13. What do you like most about your specialty?

    I love old people
  14. How to become a Legal Nurse Consultant?

    Hi, Is it steady work? I am looking into other avenues in nursing due to burnout. Thank
  15. What Else Can I Do For A Living?

    What insurance company? I have been trying to find a job in insurance for a while