Tait MSN, RN

Acute Care Cardiac, Education, Prof Practice

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  1. Good afternoon fellow educators, I am working on a handbook for our clinical faculty/faculty liaisons for a four hospital system. Without getting bogged down in the details of what I am creating,...
  2. I do want to say that, in relation to this comment: And Please let the staff know the guidelines. I had students rotate through surgery and I was told to tell them--they can only go to surgery ONCE at...
  3. Sorry had some issues getting it to let me post! OK so I did manage to create a 30 minute Faculty Onboarding program. I resourced the handbooks of several of our partners and pulled that together with...
  4. Excellent answer. I need to clarify. I am a Coordinator for Education Affiliations for the hospital system. We are having issues with professionalism in terms instructors and students. This is one...
  5. Tait


    I prefer scrubs with a nice embroidered lab coat. Approachable but with a bit of authority. Only issue would be patients confusing you for a doc but that will probably happen anyway. Congratulations...
  6. I am an RN of going on 14 years. Five years bedside acute care cardiac specialty, three years off completing my MSN and making two beautiful minions (now 8 and 10 years old), and have been in...
  7. Tait

    Covid wedding... am I the bad guy?

    I am going to agree too. Honestly if he is willing to sack his marriage over an absent sibling I wonder if he is just looking for an
  8. So most of us, I believe, are familiar with some form of "essential employee" letter that was given out during stay at home orders. This letter is a sort of "passport" to be out on the streets heading...
  9. Does anyone have a recommendation for a light weight lab coat? I need to get one for when I do rounds, but I can't stand the idea of some of the heavier coats, but I also need it to stand up to...
  10. Tait

    Essential Employee Letters

    That seems to be the sentiment coming from those who feel
  11. Tait

    COVID Code Blue

    Forgive me if this has been discussed. I did a quick forum search and didn't see anything. I am curious how your facilities are handling COVID-19 codes. We are following the AHA guidelines from April...
  12. Tait

    COVID Code Blue

    Bumping this for more
  13. Tait

    Med/Surg to ICU

    Side note: Having spent the last 6+ years working directly with new graduate RNs I do not recommend switching units in the first year unless you are at risk from bullying or other toxic behaviors....
  14. We spent several weeks trying to come up with a solution for all our nurses to have access to hospital scrubs. We went round and round about the cost, dispersion, people wearing them home and not...
  15. Furloughs are rolling out, departments are being shut down, and the pressure is high. Having been an educator for over six years now I am used to being seen as "necessary but disposable". In my new...
  16. Tait

    Do you think this is safe?

    We went with paper bags, my mom's hospital went with plastic containers. Our rationale for paper I believe was due to the evidence at the time that COVID fell apart faster on paper than
  17. I wrote a post on this a few years back, about the many rocks I tripped over on my way to and through nursing. Feel free to read, it might make you feel better. Also lots of great advice already in...
  18. Tait

    It Is OK

    It is OK to be scared right now. It is OK to be angry right now. It is OK to feel you aren't being heard right now. It is OK to feel anguish for your patients right now. It is OK to feel betrayed...
  19. Tait

    Do you think this is safe?

    We have been doing this for about a month at our facility. Are you talking about N95s or surgical masks? For N95s they are to be used for three days, stored in paper bags in a centralized location (to...
  20. While the cost of healthcare is a mess, it is not solely on the hospitals where the current prices are at. This being said, we are hemorrhaging money due to the just the short shut down on elective...
  21. We don't have the PPE to support that kind of increase (we are already in cohort reuse of isolation gowns and gloves). In general the more PPE you put on people, the greater the sense of false...
  22. Tait

    "Oh so you still have a job?"

    That is exactly what I am doing. Working hard and by the sides of those who need it most, my nurses. I actually had seasoned RN come up to me last week. She is one of TWO wound care RNs for the whole...
  23. Good Morning, Georgia, about a year ago, I have now heard changed our salines from a medication to a device. TJC supports this as a device. Now comes the process of changing our salines from a scanned...
  24. I was just talking to my CNO yesterday about stress management. Apparently my hospital is reporting the highest levels of moral distress in our hospital system. I recently started exploring our...
  25. Tait

    "Oh so you still have a job?"

    In a nutshell yes. But I also understand the level of stress our staff are under and my role only became official at the end of last year, though I had been doing it informally for nearly a