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  1. JCAHO Plan Would Require Bar Codes at Bedside

    We use the bar code system. At first I hated it, bulky med cart with computer and scanner that I push to each room. But it also gives me instant access to the patients chart and labs prior to giving...
  2. The Reason I Share My Messages With You

    Thanks Fran, you don't know how badly I needed that reminder right
  3. How prevalent is e-MAR out there? Are you

    Ah yes Emar. Actually, I hated it at first but have grown to rely on it. It is very nice to have lab values that present themselves when you scan say Coumadin or other drugs that are pertinent to lab...
  4. No calcuation questions on NCLEX, help!

    I took mine Tuesday. No calc questions either but a lot of prioritzing. It cut off at 75 and today I got results on State Licensing board. I passed. Im sure you did fine, but I was on pins and needles...
  5. Just took NCLEX, now I'm terrified!!!

    Im right there with you.Took it yesterday and it also cut off at 75. I keep second guessing myself and can remember several that I know I missed. This has been the longest day,but results should be on...
  6. Hey you guys, Im an RN!!!!!!

    I know I made an error here,but I was excited and it was around 5 a.m. I havnt signed RN on any document yet, but thanks to you
  7. Hey you guys, Im an RN!!!!!!

    Well, I did it. Graduated. Pinning was last night. My speech went well, they actually laughed when I hoped they would. AND, I got the award for Academic Excellence.Not bad for someone who quit high...
  8. QuadraMed computer system... anyone using?

    We use a system very similar to that at my hospital.All charting ,order entry and medication administration is done with the computer. Each nurse has there own mobile computer for there quad.The med...
  9. reguarding the quote of sam walton who stated "you will never be laid off"...there are 4 walmarts within 40 miles of my house,the closest being 2 miles away. three of these stores laid off large...
  10. I went to school in Ga. Since nursing is a critical shortage field, the state had a work forgiven loan that paid for everything. Call a school and talk to the finacial aide dept for the specifics....
  11. LTC Survey rant/ vent / pitty party

    I remeber the days of LTC liscensure very vividly if not fondly. It aleays seemed that if you had even just one bad resident they would pick those 3 days to act out. One year we had a woman who...
  12. Care Plan Hell

    Woops. Sorry about the typos, I guess I'm just too
  13. Care Plan Hell

    I am so glad I can kiss care plans goodbye. Had my last clinical yesterday and have to do a concept map for my final clinincal grade. What a relief!! I thoight this day would never get here. I knoe I...
  14. Where are all you SC nurses?

    I am in Myrtle Beach, but am considering moving to the Charleston area. I was there this past week and fell in love. Currently brainstorming on a job. Don't get me wrong, I love M.B. but there is a...
  15. Roper in Charleston

    Does anyone have any info,good or bad about this place? I have an opportunity to go their for Weekend Option with outrageous salary and benifits. Just wondering about the place because you know what...