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All Content by RN28MD

  1. thank you guys I appreciate the advice. I am going to look for a refresher course and see what it intales. I did see a seminar coming up but I m not sure if it would be the same. What do you guys think. It's coming up too in May or if I miss it w...
  2. Are the corses online are they like journal articles? I think I will go over my medsurg book too. thanks for posting
  3. I was wondering what the class thought. I am planning to go back to work in a Med/Surg Unit and was wondering if I should look into one. I have been out only a few yrs but since I didn't work much after graduation I feel very rusty. Any advice wou...
  4. That is such great advice. I didn't even thought of it.. You are right I do feel a bit more lost of breath when I do anything now. Thanks again I think I am going to start working out at a gym. Thanks
  5. Learning Thread: Med/Surg

    Wow I can't believe this post didn't continue, well here is another. When taking a pts pulse ox, and it shows a 98% saturation but patient looks blue what do you thing this means?
  6. For Inactive Nurses desiring to return to the field

    momma.. have you looked at taking a refresher course. I tired going back to work too and the nurse recruter told me if I am out one more yr I would have to take a refresher course. But the hospital has one. Maybe some of the hospitals in your area...
  7. Bad Rep for Med Surg

    slang... I feel your pain as I too felt that way when I was a new grad. Oner e thing I can say is.. after over a yr I felt confident and competent in a lot of stuff but still didn't like my job for all the reasons you mentioned. Maybe med surg is n...
  8. You make a areally good point. We should make a list of stuff that are not being done right to see what we should be checking off during their orientation.
  9. always wear your gloves you don't want to catch anything. i have seen alot of nurses who don't follow this. is better to be safe then sorry. some older nurses may give you a funny look because you are taking long to give a shot or what ever but al...
  10. New RN to ortho

    Hi Iampatty... how have you been doing in Ortho, do you like it there? I am considering doing Ortho and as you would like any info of what to know. I did ortho years ago and honestly have gone blank. So much has happen that I can't remember much. ...
  11. For Inactive Nurses desiring to return to the field

    how many years have you been out? Have you found the refresher course to be helpul?
  12. For Inactive Nurses desiring to return to the field

    Thanks you CHATS..... that is a great idea! In the local hospital they told me if I was out 5yrs I would need a refresher course that the actual hospital gives.
  13. For Inactive Nurses desiring to return to the field

    I tried going back PRN TOO but no luck. They say that I have been out of nursing too long that it would cause the hospital more money to train me when I will only be giving then a small amt of hrs. I am still looking around but it sucks to have to d...
  14. For Inactive Nurses desiring to return to the field

    :cry:hello everyone great post. I have been out of nursing or 3yrs now and became a stay at home mom. I have felt ready to go back to work partime no more than 20-24hrs a week. Well it turns out my local hospitals have turn me down do to cause eff...
  15. Hello there, I was curious to know why did you choose to go the NP route. I was asked this by a friend. He just couldn't understand why I didn't just go for my MSN in a nurse specialty. This made me wonder what made other people go for NP. If yo...
  16. Patients who call you Dr. (implying MD)

    :bugeyes:reading this post made me think of how do you guys introduce yourselves? and do some patients ask what a NP is?? How do you explain to them that you are able to diagnose too. I once had a college proff./couselor in General arts who had no...
  17. L&M is Union and Backus is not. PM if you have more questions I use to work there many yrs ago at L&M.
  18. Parkinson info?

    I wasn't sure where to post this. I almost posted it in the student forum but I thought as NP's you guys would have more info on parkinson dx. I was reading a journal article on Parkinson and from what I understand is the dopaminergic neurons get d...
  19. Why did you do NP?? Instead of Nurse Specialty?

    Wow good post yellow fin.., I am leaning toward FNP but I would someday love to work in a hospital as a hospitalist NP. I just don't know if I could jump at it at this moment in my life. Do you know if it take another 2 yrs for the ACPN as a post-m...
  20. Having Trouble telling people I'm an LPN

    Listen sweet heart, there is no need for explanations. Not everyone knows all the diffrent types of nursing out there. That is not your fault. That is just peoples' ingnorance. Who needs to bother with that. Feel pround and never feel an LPN is ...
  21. Any one have checked out CT universities regarding NP programs in FNP, ANP or ACNP??? If so can I get a little info of any of the schools? I have only investigated one so far. Quinippiac and one big thing with the are no GRE, NO Thesis, and two, on...
  22. It stands for Graduate Record Examinations. Is a standardized test that is an admissions requirement for many graduate schools. I look at it as an advance SAT. SAT measures all you know through High School and I believe the GRE test undergrad school ...
  23. Human Anatomy / A&P I Club for Fall 2007

    :balloons:FINALLY DONE, I got a 95 on the final and an A for the class. I can't wait for part two. I know it gets harder. Enjoy your Holidays
  24. thanks for replying but don't give you info like actually going to the school and finding out info. This is how I got info on Quinnipiac. I just figured if anyone has done this, it will same me a trip. Thanks
  25. Why did you do NP?? Instead of Nurse Specialty?

    ;)Yellow Finch I guess what I mean of Nurse Specialty is like a Clinical Nurse Specialist. I honestly don't know what types of jobs the do. Thanks everyone for replying. I truly appreciate your inputs