NICU RN wannabe

NICU RN wannabe

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About NICU RN wannabe

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  1. Bad GPA - history of F's and retaking classes

    I just want to say thank you to all who replied. Your words of encouragement and support mean alot. Thanks
  2. I need your help please, can anyone tell me if I start back to school will I be waisting my time? I really really want to be a nurse! I have the motivation, just not sure if it's too late for my...
  3. Older student starting Fall 07 w/ "Gen Ed" classes

    WOW - I can't believe all the responses from this thread. I'm loving it! It makes it so much easier to know I'm not alone, and yes I do think it would be a wonderful idea to have a support thread for...
  4. What are YOU taking Fall semester?

    My fall semester classes... Mat101- begining algebra Eng101- writing comp. 1 Bio112- Intro to anatomy &
  5. Hey all, I am getting nervous.... in less than a month I will be going back to school at the age of 35 to begin my journey into nursing. I will be going to my local community college and will be going...
  6. Any Nurses working in Greenville out there?

    As a new pre-nursing student (start taking my pre req's in fall of 07) I would love to hear from anyone in the greenville area also.
  7. Just wanted to say....

    :balloons: :yelclap: congratulations!!!!!
  8. Intro Chem. VS. A&P1 - need advice

    Thank you for the advice and encouragement! I was thinking Chem maybe a lil easier. I think I will choose Chem this time around , and save A&P to take with only one other class. Thanks again!...
  9. Intro Chem. VS. A&P1 - need advice

    It will be during the fall, so it will be regular length classes. I have 3 teenagers and a disabled husband at home. Will be working part
  10. Intro Chem. VS. A&P1 - need advice

    Hello everyone, I will begin taking my pre-req's in Aug. I'm trying to plan out my fall classes and can't decide which science class would be best to take first... Introductory Chemistry or Anatomy...