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All Content by trini1186

  1. DON interview help

    Are there any DON's out there who wouldn't mind answering a few interview questions for an assignment? I would really appreciate it. You can also personal message me if you like. Thanks. 1) What is your title? 2) What is the ...
  2. Is there a Nursing shortage?

    I agree. New grads are having the hardest time finding jobs in nyc. Some hospitals are hiring but they are looking for "experienced" nurses! It may also help if you get a referal from someone who works at that hospital otherwise expect to be searchin...
  3. hunter college-nursing school

    Hi I recently graduated from Hunter's school of nursing. The program is very competitive. My class had 100 students. They look at your G.PA and your score on the NLN preentrance exam. Although I think I started to hear rumors about an interview but I...
  4. Can I get my last name changed on License?

    Hi jolie, I was curious about what kind of identifcation you showed when you went to take your nclex; was it in your maiden name or your changed name? I am in a similiar situation you were in. I will be taking the nclex soon however i also just got m...
  5. Ethical issues in nursing

    I'm a nursing student and I'm currrently taking an ethics class and one of our assignments is to interview a healthcare worker or human services worker (i.e teacher) who faced an ethical dilema or moral conflict. Does anyone have any stories that the...
  6. Ethical dilema anyone?

    I'm a nursing student and I'm currrently taking an ethics class and one of our assignments is to interview a healthcare worker or human services worker (i.e teacher) who faced an ethical dilema or moral conflict. Does anyone have any stories that the...
  7. Ethical dilemas anyone??

    I'm a nursing student and I'm currrently taking an ethics class and one of our assignments is to interview a healthcare worker or human services worker (i.e teacher) who faced an ethical dilema or moral conflict. Does anyone have any stories that the...
  8. Ethical issues in nursing

    I'm a nursing student and I'm currrently taking an ethics class and one of our assignments is to interview a healthcare worker or human services worker (i.e teacher) who faced an ethical dilema or moral conflict. Does anyone have any stories that the...
  9. Calling All Hunter Applicants!

    My GPA is 3.6 and scored 139 on NLN
  10. Calling All Hunter Applicants!

    I'm currently taking micro and a&P II...I have both my lab exams on friday...I'm so glad its almost over!!
  11. Calling All Hunter Applicants!

    yay!! :monkeydance: I'm so happy we all got in...Congratulations to us!! Our hard work paid off...I can't wait to start the program...Does anyone know when we will get to register for classes?
  12. Calling All Hunter Applicants!

    hey Nessa I recieved my letter yesterday in the mail and I got in!!!! I'm so excited...Good Luck to you guys!!
  13. UPDATE: Who is still waiting on 2007 acceptance?

    Applied to Hunter College and still waiting.. won't know if I got in until May!!
  14. NLN Results....

    :smiley_aa Congratz Batman on that great score!!! :balloons:
  15. NLN Results....

    Thanks guys! Good Luck to all of US!! Don't worry Batman your letter will come soon.:)
  16. NLN Results....

    Hey Guys I finally got my NLN score in the mail today...composite score of 139 (96th percentile)...My GPA is 3.5 and I only pray that its enough to get me into Hunters program especially since this is the only school I applied to!!
  17. NLN Results....

    Congratz on ur score Nessa...but now I'm freaking out because I still haven't recieved my score. It seems like everyone at Hunter got their score except me!! There's even a discussion going on blackboard about the scores...:uhoh21: Where are my scor...
  18. NLN Results....

    Hey guys, I agree this could be so fustrating... Caeilina you're so lucky to have found out your results....Maybe tomorrow will be our lucky day!!
  19. NLN Results....

    Batman I feel your pain...I also took the NLN on 3/3 and still haven't recieved my results!!! The wait is killing me!!!
  20. How many schools did you apply to?

    I only applied to one school...Hunter College (still waiting on nln results...) The wait for this whole process is killing me!!!
  21. NLN Results....

    Thatz a great score Caeiluna..I applied to hunter too and still waiting for my NLN scores...with that 99 percentile you are sure to get in...Congratz.
  22. Who's waiting on acceptance letters?

    I'm still waiting on my NLN results...I applied to Hunter College and won't know if I'm accepted until May!!!