
Specializes in L/D, newborn, GYN, LTC, Dialysis

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About SmilingBluEyes

SmilingBluEyes has 28 years experience and specializes in Specializes in L/D, newborn, GYN, LTC, Dialysis.

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  1. SmilingBluEyes

    Have you ever left in the middle of a shift?

    Just move on. Time to
  2. Kristy: Moral of the story: Don't tell people what you are doing. It's none of their business and they will tattle on you just to make trouble. Time to make it all legal. Alcohol is much more...
  3. SmilingBluEyes

    Why does Nursing have to be a passion?

    It need not be. One can succeed as a nurse without feeling "passionate" about the work. It's a means to an end for many. And that's
  4. SmilingBluEyes

    Nurse falsifying information

    Without clear substantive facts I would say no you should not do
  5. SmilingBluEyes

    Nightingale Nursing ... On its Deathbed

    No compassion for the caregiver. That's what has happened to
  6. Social media and work just don't mix. I don't mention my work on FB or other social media sites, period. Those who do are risking losing their jobs. It's up to the employer what is acceptable and what...
  7. SmilingBluEyes

    Does being addressed as "Nurse" annoy anyone?

    I guess it would depend on the tone it's used
  8. SmilingBluEyes

    New pregnant nurse

    Congratulations. Make an appointment with an OB or Midwife ASAP and get from him/her what is safe and what is not for during pregnancy. We can't offer advice like that here. I wish you a happy...
  9. I cut off close relations with toxic people. You should, too. Just be polite but share nothing about your personal life, or choices. It's best in the long
  10. SmilingBluEyes

    Can I travel in L&D after only 1 year?

    No it is not feasible. You are not
  11. SmilingBluEyes

    Frequent Bathing is Harmful to Health: 17th Century Pilgrims

    You know in Winter, I often take showers every other day. I have had no complaints about my smell. (including those who would tell me if I did smell! LOL). I wear a very good deodorant----one that...
  12. SmilingBluEyes

    Feeling burnt out. Looking for advice.

    I applaud your self-awareness and desire to do best by your patients and families. I agree with the others who say a consistent schedule is key. I know I rotate (somewhat) between days and evenings...
  13. SmilingBluEyes

    Taking a Long Leave of Absence from Work

    "Take the time to care for your health today......or you will be forced to take time to care for disease later". That's all I have to
  14. SmilingBluEyes

    Shift Nurses Post-Pandemic

    I am sorry; too little way too late. To turn the tide takes more than words. It takes ACTION. On the parts of nurses to band together and the parts of powers-that-be to put the money on the
  15. SmilingBluEyes

    Leaving job after 7 months

    How do you go? You say "it's been a wonderful opportunity for me. I wish you all the best. This is not a good fit, is all". Simple as