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All Content by precious33

  1. Calling all current cns students

    Hi i am a CNS-Adult health doing my 2nd semester and I am enjoying it, actually four of us in the class.We are preparing for a class debate on CNS should be APN.
  2. Vincy nurses to migrate to Barbados

    Hi Vincentian nurses will have an opprtunity to practice nursing in Barbados as a team of recruitors will be visiting our shores wednesday 12th march 2008 to conduct interviews .No midwife will be recruiting as some caribbean countries signed an agre...
  3. Hi ,I need help in searching for one of the best public junior high school or secondary school in Bakersfield California ,preferable zip code 93305.You may PM me with any tips.My son is 11years old ,he is expected to begin secondary school in septemb...
  4. embassy medical & interview my experience

    Congratulation to you and your family and best of luck in the future. Please remember to keep us posted .You have been such a good member and post contributor,my friends and I enjoyed all your post.
  5. RN doesn't know what to do?

    Congratulation on passing your NCLEX exam. If you said you are expecting to get engage next year around this time ,then what ever you decide remember to include your boyfriend.
  6. Resume, Cover Letter, New Job...

    Whatever you do ,as a nurse you must over come this fear of blood.Running away from it will not do you any good.If you run away then ,lets say ,for example you meet a friend or a family member bleeding, what will you do ? run away? allow him or her t...
  7. Susan I know that we are not to discuss agency,s details on the forum ,however I will very much like to see that policy /strategy change.I think it is fair that if an agency is good we say yes it is good,and when they are BAD we also mention them so ...
  8. Rather work with men or women?

    I have seen and heard of instancing where male and female co-workers became intimate and often times disregard/disrespect their fellow collegues and the patients while on duty .When the relationship go soar then the patients in their care suffer as w...
  9. Rather work with men or women?

    If most men when they see young attractive female they will be nice,what will happen when the female is an elderly and or attractive? Will they be nice too? Will they be attractive to young female patients?
  10. Rather work with men or women?

    I really think the focus here should be patient care and not to attract the opposite sex. There should be a time and a place for attraction. Respect for ones-self and the patient as well as our co-workers are crucial. Lets be serious here.
  11. This is a typical classic case,my grandma used to say "one hand can,t clap". I would have listened to both sides of the story from the two parties involved in the conversation at the time. Do you ever stop to ask yourself what part your friend played...
  12. Resume, Cover Letter, New Job...

    Nothing is wrong with you starting in ER.If that is goal then go for it,how does one gain competency? it is through experience and practice.You must start some where. you will learn a lot,just stay focus and ask questions if you don,t know or not sur...
  13. Rather work with men or women?

    Competency is really what matters. I am currently working with 2 male nurses and sometimes they will almost drive me crazy.It appears as if they are hidding from certain responsibilities .They will take breaks at the most inconvenient time and always...
  14. Today I was made redundant

    I have never really heard of redundancy in nursing,but in other fields.I am so sorry to learn of your plight and think that your firm was rather harsh/hostile .With god on your side all things are posible,try and move on with your career. I really li...
  15. NGT placement

    If the patient is alert then simply ask him/her to swallow while gently slide the tube down.It is always good to position the patient in an upright position.In my hospital we listen withe the stethoscope or confirm with stomach content aspiration or ...
  16. STEMI..EKG in less than 10 min..

    On my unit we teach all member of staff including the NA to do ECG ,but not even all the Doctors can thoroughly interpret the ECG . I think we really need boosting so I am in the process urging the RN,s to do at least an on line course I had also fou...
  17. New nurse who accepted a first job in ER

    Nothing is wrong about where you start .All the ER nurses started somewhere,afterall you gain experience. Congrats on your new job.Take notes ont the common conditions read a lot on the management and don,t hesistate to ask questions.
  18. Nurses writing up nurses?

    We all make mistakes ,some mistakes do cause the patients their life or physical or psychological trauma ,but is this a mistake or you just didn,t give because the patient was sedated otherwise? In that case,you had to assess the patient,s and report...
  19. Diluting all IV push medication??

    Some antibiotics are very irritative to the veins ;augmentin ,cloxacillin etc .hence it is always wise to flush the iv site prior infusion ,dilute in 20mls ,then flush again. Gentamicin if given in the same line with these antibiotics may crystalise ...
  20. Diluting all IV push medication??

    Remember also that the IV site need to change at least every 72 hours.
  21. January 2008 VB is out!

    Yes Susan,I am in agreement with you ,we really need to get pro-active and keep abreast with what,s going on in our field until such time when retrogression is end.Some day to come it must end. If nursing is really what we want to be doing ,we must f...
  22. Discouraged.........

    This retrogression is getting people so discourage ,it is one thing to have your goals ,trying so hard to attain them and here comes obstacles. You know what we are going to be strong,continue to pray and reach for the stars.
  23. All I Want For Xmas

    I would sure like to have my green card so that my son and I can get an opportunity to spend a "white christmas" with my eldest brother and my last sister. That will be great!!
  24. family face deportation for overstaying on visa

    The law is the law,no one is above the the law ,you break the rule then you should pay the consequence. While some of us are here waiting so long for retrogression to be lifted others feel they are large and that they will get around the law without ...
  25. RP-trained nurses hired as domestic helpers in Canada

    This is ridiculous ,Susan always said to read all fine prints in contracts ,why they did not take some time and do some research ?.Why people in this day and age want to sell themselves soo short?. It is better they did come in the Caribbean at leas...